You Need To Calm Down (Chapter Twenty Nine)

Start from the beginning

Dre's POV

"whoa, what are you doing here?" I said rushing to the car that was parked outside the driveway. "I need to see Austin." She said and I felt myself getting pissed "What do you want Kelly, he isn't here." I said trying to get her to go back to her car. "I'm pregnant cant you see?" she said opening her jacket relieving a belly. I felt my heart sink "is it Austin's?" I asked not wanting to know the answer. "uh yeah, where is he?" she said looking around. "look, you're going to turn around, walk to your car, and drive away. You can contact Austin at a different time right now you aren't going to ruin Elena's day." I said pissed that she showed up here.

"I'm not going anywhere." She said and I got pissed "I said leave, or I will call the police and tell them you are trespassing." I said and I could see that pissed her off. "fine." She said walking to her car, and I felt relief and as she drove off Austin pulled up. "oh, thank god you're here." I said as he got out of his car. I didn't tell him about Kelly stopping I didn't want him to worry about that right now, Elena should be his first priority. "I'm so nervous man. I don't know if I can handle seeing her in pain." He said and he looked more nervous than me. "relax, everything will be worth it when you hold her. I'm going to go over to Diamante's house and call me if you need me." I said hugging him. I wanted to give them time to be together before their lives change forever. I just hoped Kelly was lying some how.

Elena's POV

"Lanney!" Austin said walking in and pulling me into a hug "oh thank god I didn't miss something." He said not letting go of me "its okay baby, I'm fine, I'm at a 5 which is like the size of a lime slice and I need to be a ten to push." I said trying to get him all caught up "where's Dre?" I asked looking behind him "he went to Diamante's house." He said kissing me and I nodded "okay!" I said but I could see Austin was very nervous and very scared, but I just wanted him to be calm. "how long until she's here?" he said sitting down next to me. "it could be tonight or not, since its my first baby its hard to say, Tara said she would be back later so right now I'm just trying to relax." I said smiling as I got comfy again.

After about two hours I started to feel the pain, I was now walking back and forth through the house with no bra and a plain grey dress. My back was starting to really hurt, and the contractions were starting to get closer and more painful. It was so much pain that I couldn't handle it, but it was a pain for sure. "I'm going to get in the bath." I said walking to the bathroom and Austin started filling the tub with hot water. He was holding himself together very well I was really surprised. I got into the bath and Austin sat on the floor on the outside of the tub and ran hot water over my back while I sat in the tub. He was being absolutely amazing.

The pain was still getting worse and I knew I was letting out light moans while holding my stomach, I have moved out of the bathtub and am now in bed and I just can't get comfortable. Its been a few hours and I've been checked again by Tara and I'm only at a 6, so she told me I was laboring slow which was normal for first time moms. I woke up early this morning and right now its getting late and I'm tired but every time I close my eyes its like the pain kicks in and I get another contraction. Austin is laying next to me and I told him it get some sleep but it didn't take him much time to fall asleep, but I wanted him to get sleep he was going to need it.

I've been in labor 24 hours and am at a 7 now and I'm tell you I am miserable, I barely slept last night maybe 2 hours? I am in pain, my back hurts, and the contractions they suck. Its been a long night. I am exhausted. I've now told my sister, aunt and my girls that I'm in labor but I didn't want anyone here except Austin and Tara who is coming every hour to check me not that it matter judging by how slow its going. I'm now rolling on a yoga ball hoping that it will help, I've read online that having sex could help but honestly, I can't even think about having sex right now.

I could tell Austin was starting to get nervous that I hadn't had her yet. "are you sure this is normal?' Austin asked as Tara entered the house "yes, I'm going to check baby's heart rate and make sure she's okay and them check mom." She said patting Austin's back as I got off the yoga ball and laid in bed. we heard baby girls heart rate and it was good and then she checked me "looks like were at 8 Elena. It's almost time to push." She said smiling taking her gloves off. "are we going to try and have her in the water?" she asked, and I nodded "I would like to try" I said feeling a contraction and it was the strongest, most painful one yet. I let out a loud moan and when it was done, I looked up to see the worry in Austin's eyes. The first time I've seen that worry since he got here yesterday.

Tara was getting everything ready and the birthing tub filled with water. I was now constantly moaning in pain and it was honestly the most painful thing I have ever felt in my life it was constant pain and crying now I was feeling sick. I had gotten in the tub and yes, I was naked, but it was just Austin and Tara, so I was okay with that. I was on my hands and knees and Austin was running water over my back. "this is hard." I said looking at Austin who had moved right in front of me "I know baby girl, breathe it will be so worth it." He said kissing my forehead "this is hard" I said again almost ignoring what he had said.

"this part is so hard." I said again, and I was sure he was sick of hearing it but that's all I could think of to say because it was hard, and I couldn't stop crying out in pain. "I'm going to be sick." I said and Austin quickly grabbed a bowl and put it under my mouth and as soon as he did, I knew the throw up was coming up and Austin handled it like a champ. I looked up at Austin and I could see the tears in his eyes "what's wrong?" I said looking at him "you're in so much pain and I can't do anything to help." He said wiping a tear away. "Austin you're doing amazing helping me." I said trying to calm him down because I could see he was starting to get worked up.

"Austin do you need a break?" Tara said looking at him, but he shook his head no "okay Lanney you're at 9, 1 more centimeter and you can start pushing." Tara said and I couldn't wait to push. "you aren't going to be forced to push, when I tell you you're at 10 just take your time and push when you feel the urge." She said as I sat back in the pool. The pain was almost unbearable, but I just kept listening to Austin telling me to breath. He had put a cold towel on my neck and was rubbing my shoulders and I was so grateful for him. "Lanney its time, if you feel the urge to push let me know. Take your time." Tara said and I nodded.

"its time, like she could be here any second?" Austin asked and Tara nodded. Then Austin's face went white and I knew he was either going to be sick or pass out. "you need to sit down Austin." I said looking at him but as soon as I said it, he dropped. "oh my god, Tara help him." I said getting up despite the pain. Austin was too big for her to move herself, so she put a pillow under his head and splashed him with water. "come on Austin wake up." I said starting to panic myself that he would miss her birth. "I think he just got overwhelmed he's fine." Tara said trying to wake him up. "Tara." I said with concern in my voice "I feel like I need to push." I said as I felt myself starting to shake. 

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