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You had me wrapped around your finger,

I'm wrapped around your finger.

~you should know this like


Luke woke up around 1 in the morning, feeling very cold and confused.

He opened his eyes and blinked a couple times, quickly adjusting to the dark.

"Ash, you awake?" His voice was still groggy from sleep.

When he heard no response, he flopped on to his side, tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"Ash, babe?"

He opened his eyes and startled when he saw the other half of the duvet thrown back and the bed empty where Ashton was supposed to be.

He quickly sat up, very much alert.



The floor was freezing against his feet as he made his way to the bathroom, to the kitchen, to the living room.


The panic set in when Ashton was nowhere in the apartment. He hastily pulled on his black vans as best he could with his bulky cast and grabbed a spare key before hurrying out the front door.

Luke knew he probably looked ridiculous, wearing nothing but black vans and pajama pants as he ran all over the establishment, looking for Ashton.

He was about to give up looking and just assume that he'd went back to his own house, but something just outside the front door caught his eye;

a couple (presumably), their faces very close, lips brushing, pressed up against the wall beside the front doors.

It didn't take long for Luke to realize that the "couple" were Ashton and Calum.

It took even less time for the overwhelming sensation of anger and jealousy to completely envelop him.

In one swift movement, Luke managed to shove the door open and rip the two apart.

"You," He seethed, his finger jabbing at Calum's chest, "If I see you one more fucking time, I will kill you. Don't think I won't."

Calum tried to puff himself up, "Now why would you do that? Is it because Ashton is my little fucktoy?"

Luke froze, something inside him snapping. His heart felt like it was on fire, his hands trembling with the want to killkillkill.

"I think it would be best for you to leave, Calum, before I fucking snap that little neck of yours."


Luke spun around and used his height to his advantage to tower over Ashton.

"Get inside, now."

Ashton trembled under Luke's intimidating gaze and nodded, quickly pulling the front doors open and rushing into the lobby.

Luke turned back around to face Calum.

"Stay the fuck away from him."

Calum crossed his arms, a smug look gracing his features.

"You're jealous because Ashton still chose me over you even after what I did."

Luke clenched his fist.

"What you did was practically murder. You burnt down a piece of his heart."

Calum laughed. "I don't care. There's nothing you can do to stop me from fucking your little boyfriend, Luke."

Luke shoved him back and clenched his jaw. "Stay away."

He heard Calum laugh again as he spun back around and stormed in to the apartment block.

Ashton was curled up on the lobby couch, his body shaking with sobs. It didn't reduce Luke's anger by much, but he did pick the fragile boy up in to his arms and carry him back up the stairs to the apartment and in to bed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Ashton cried into Luke's bare chest.

Luke sighed, "We'll talk in the morning."

"Please don't kill him, no more dying, please."

Luke shut his eyes momentarily and tried to control his breathing.

"Try and sleep, Ash."

And with that, Luke grabbed an extra blanket from the closet and curled up on the couch in the living room, leaving them both lonely, cold, and crying in to their separate pillows.


i'm editing this tomorrow lmao

& i lied this story is going to be longer than i thought if i want to develop characters properly

so yes way longer than 8 more chapters

haha i know how it ends and you guys don't

i wrote the final chapter & epilogue yesterday & planned out the others so be ready

i got v emotional so i hope you guys like it

i'm potentially going to start a one shot book???

i love matty healy

& you guys xx

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