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You're too mean, I don't like you, fuck you anyway.

You make me want to scream at the top of my lungs.

~Afraid, The Neighborhood 


It was at precisely 2:39 in the afternoon when Luke got the call.

At first, he was excited when he saw the name of his university pop up on the caller ID, he'd been dying to get his class schedule for weeks; maybe they were calling about that?


The nasally voice of the school secretary echoed in his skull, the words "We are sorry to inform you" burning themselves in the the left side of his brain.

His parents had withdrawn all the money from his university fund account, rendering him unable to attend.

He hung up and hesitated for a brief moment before slamming his phone on to the tiled kitchen floor, no doubt cracking the screen.


He paced the kitchen, pulling at his hair, allowing a few tears to leak down his face. In a split second burst of rage, he punched the refrigerator door, his fist cracking and the aluminum door denting on impact.

Luke cried out in alarm and clutched his now deformed hand.

"Broken," his voice came out more desperate than he'd intended, "oh my god- shit! I fucking broke it!!!"

There was the sound of the shower door in Michael's bathroom slamming shut and in a matter of seconds, Ashton appeared in the kitchen with dripping hair and a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. He glanced at Luke's mangled fist and his eyes bulged.

"Shit, Luke, what the fuck did you do?"

Luke's response was a anxious mixture of profanities and suppressed sobs; it made Ashton's heart sink.

"Okay, shit, um- wait here okay? I'm going to throw on some clothes and then we're going to go to the hospital."

Luke whimpered and nodded, his eyes still glued to his hand, which was now swelling at an impressive rate.


The ride to the hospital was stressful to say the least.

Ashton discovered that it's near impossible to try and comfort someone in immense pain and keep concentrated on the road at the same time.

Luke's frantic cries had drastically subsided, though the swelling had not. Ashton placed his hand on Luke's thigh, rubbing it slowly in a way he hoped would calm Luke down.

"You'll be alright, baby."

Luke sniffed, "It's turning blue."

"I know, love. But the great part about the human body is that it heals quickly."


Ashton wasn't allowed to go with Luke in to surgery, so he had to wait in the family waiting room for 6 hours.

He'd found ways to try and entertain himself, sure; he'd spent the time on his phone and trying to get pieces of popcorn that he'd bought in to the snoring mouth of an obnoxiously loud middle aged woman that sat across from him.

It was nearing 10:00 pm when Luke finally joined him in the waiting room again.

Ashton quickly jumped up from his chair and raced over to his boy, showering him with questions. Luke just laughed shakily (it was obvious that he was still loopy from the anesthetics) and assured him that he was fine, unfolding a black and white photo and placing it in Ashton's large hands.

"Three displaced fractures in three of my metacarpals, probably four months 'til I get the cast off." 

Ashton's jaw dropped as he looked at the X ray.

"That's your hand?"

Luke nodded.

"Holy shit."

Luke nodded again, "Holy shit indeed."

Ashton broke his gaze from the black cast to look Luke in the eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

Luke shrugged. "Terrible."

Ashton sighed and jutted out his bottom lip. He cautiously wrapped his arms around Luke, placing a lingering kiss on his collarbone.

"Are you going to tell me why you fucked up your hand by punching the fridge?"

Luke shook his head and buried his face in Ashton's curly hair, "Not right now."

Ashton removed himself from from Luke's neck and gently placed his hands on either side of his face. He leaned in and carefully slotted their lips together in a short kiss before pulling back and rubbing his thumbs over the dried tear tracks on Luke's cheeks.

"Let's get you home, it's late and you need sleep."


this is short and bad

but i think i'm going to make my updates shorter so i can update more often

i'm so tired of life tbh but who knows things might get better and i'll just have to stay long enough to find out

also i just wanted to point out that ashley is reading my book and i'm still in shock hA

& i might update again today whO KNOWS

ily guys xx

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