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You are my getaway,

you are my favourite place.

~Disconnected, 5sos


"You're the fucking pancake Jesus, I swear to god."

Ashton laughed, "Pancake Jesus?"

Luke shovelled another huge mouthful of pancakes in to his mouth and all but moaned.

"Yes, ohmy gof. I've never had pancakes for dinner, this is fucking brilliant."

Ashton just giggled and looked at Luke fondly. He looked adorable with his flat hair and face covered in syrup.

"I love you."

Luke's head shot up and he smiled, "And I love you."

Saying that openly still felt so foreign to both of them. But it felt so right, like it was the most indisputable thing ever.

Ashton smiled and yawned suddenly, glancing up at the clock on the oven.

9:30 already?

"I think I'm going to go to bed early."

Luke swallowed a mouthful of pancake and nodded, "Yeah, me too. Are you good with sleeping in my bed again? Michael said he's staying with - him - for a few days to make sure he's 'okay', so I can take his bed."

Ashton's smile faltered and he looked at his hands, "Yeah, sure."

"Ashton, love? Did I say something wrong?"

Ashton immediately shook his head, "No, no. Um, remember when I said that I have insomnia?"

Luke nodded.

"Yeah, um. I was hoping that maybe you could sleep with me? Not like, sleep, but like, in the same bed? That's probably really dumb of me to ask I'm sorry you can say no-"

"Ash, babe," Luke cut him off, "of course I will, we might not be like, a couple yet, but I still love you all the same and you have no idea how much I'd love to wake up next to you."

Ashton's stomach flipped and he bit his lip to contain his smile (it obviously didn't work).

"Okay. I'm going to go get ready then," he pushed back his chair and flinched at the screeching sound, but quickly brushed it off. "Can I borrow some boxers?"

Luke nodded and smiled once again, "Of course."


"You wanna know something kind of ironic?"

Luke shifted around on the bed and tightened his grip around the smaller boy, burying his nose in to his curly hair and placing a small kiss on his head, "Sure."

"Stars look so peaceful to the naked eye. When you look up at night, you usually think 'Wow, stars are so pretty'. But in reality, each galaxy out there feeds off turmoil. Everything is a mess, everything is made of explosions and toxic gas and too much of this and not enough of that. Stars and planets are made of chaos, they are all just beautiful catastrophes. And I feel like the human species works almost identically, you know? Some people are absolutely stunning but are so much more complex than what meets the eye. We're never at peace with ourselves, we're never at peace with each other. And the ironic part is that every substance is actually made of stars that have exploded, everything is made out of stardust. You are, I am. Everything is made out of stars."

Everything was silent as Luke processed Ashton's words. He was absolutely right, and Luke felt like his brain had just exploded.


Ashton pushed his face farther in to Luke's broad shoulder, "I'm sorry, that was probably really dumb."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, "No, oh my god that was anything but stupid. The way you see the world fascinates me."

Ashton giggled quitely, "The fact that you find me interesting instead of annoying fascinates me."

Luke smiled. "I hope one day you can see youself the way I see you."

Ashton sighed and planted a small kiss on Luke's collarbone, "Me too."

"Now sleep, darling."



it was short again oh

so the last time i updated this was at 1k and now it's at 2K i'm ???

but in all seriousness, i don't think you guys understand how much it means to me that you're reading this. last year was the worst year of my life and it's getting bad again but the fact that there are people who read this and enjoy (?) it makes me feel like i have something to try hard at and idk i just love you guys so much

so yeah chapters will probably get longer

i hope

ily guys xx

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