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Lying here no fear of the darkness,

Now I'm not happy unless I'm close enough to you.

~Daylight, 5 Seconds of Summer


Luke shifted from foot to foot as he stared at Ashton's bright blue door. Why was he nervous? Okay, yes, he had a minor (major) crush on the boy, but he had reminded himself dozens of times before walking up the gravel path to the brick house that 'he's just a friend, don't get your boxers in a knot, Lucas'.

He gave his sweaty palms one last wipe on his black skinny jeans before lifting his hand to finally knock at Ashton's door. But, just before his fist could make contact with the eccentric coloured wood, it swung open in front him. Stood before him was a dark haired boy (apart from the dusting of blonde along the front). He looked to be Luke's age, well built, tan skin, complete with a ridiculously defined jawbone and a stern look carved in to his features. He was (to Luke's dismay) undeniably attractive.

"Can I help you?" His tone was sharp. Luke did not like it one bit.

"Is Ashton here?"

The tan boy shot him a look of disgust, "Who wants to know?"

Luke took a deep breath and shut his eyes for a moment.

"Me. I do. My name is Luke, nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand to the other boy, only to be rejected by an unimpressed glance and an eye roll.

"Who's at the door, Cal?"

Luke's heart fluttered at the sound of Ashton's voice.

"No one important." the boy replied, his disapproving gaze not leaving Luke.

"Well I'm sure that's not true," Ashton's voice seemed to be coming closer, "Who is it?"

The door swung open further and Luke let a small grin creep on to his face. Ashton suddenly came in to view as he gently nudged Calum to the side. His eyes widened and he smiled that particular smile that got Luke positively ecstatic; the one where his perfectly crooked teeth were in full view and his eyes crinkled at the corners.

'You're breathtaking', Luke thought.

"Hey." He said instead.

"Lukey!" Ashton giggled and flung his arms around Luke's neck.

(Luke may or may not have taken a second to memorize what he smelled like.)

(Spaghetti and vanilla, maybe a hint of lavender, he noted. Obviously.)

"Hey Ash. Sorry for showing up without notice; I didn't think to get your number." Luke forgot about everything and just focused on Ashton.

"That's okay," Ashton said in a tone of voice that reminded Luke of the clouds. Ashton pulled away from him and smiled before turning back to the other boy; who seemed royally pissed by now.

"Oh. Uh," Ashton's previously happy mood has somehow changed in to a rather nervous one in a matter of seconds, "This is my... boyfriend, Calum."

'I will end you,' Luke thought.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said instead.

"And Cal," Ashton looked to his boyfriend, "this is my friend Lukey. " He blushed for a second before correcting himself, "I mean Luke."

Calum looked Luke up and down once, "You didn't tell me he was coming over."

"I didn't know he was-"

"Cut the shit, Ashton," he grabbed Ashton's wrist and attempted to yank him back in to the house, "Let's go."

Luke was horrified at the very least at Calum's actions. Luke tried his hardest to keep is horrible temper in check, but seeing the look in Ashton's eyes made something snap.

"Get your filthy fucking hands off of him."

Both Ashton and Calum seemed stunned at his outburst. Luke closed his eyes and took a few seconds to calm the deep red swirling behind his eyelids.

"Sorry. Please just give me a minute to talk to him."

Luke opened his eyes and looked at the two who were still frozen in the doorway. Calum was the first out of them to come to his senses. He let go of Ashton's arm and straightened up a bit, trying to regain his composure.

"I'll give you three minutes." He glared at both of them before turning on his heel and slamming the door behind him.

Luke sighed and let his eyes wander back to Ashton.

"Hi. I'm... so sorry about that. Um."

Ashton just smiled weakly at him and nodded, "No, uh. Thank you actually. Sorry about Calum..."

"No, he seems... cool?"

Ashton giggled and looked Luke directly in the eyes (Luke tried not to faint), "Don't say that if you don't think he is. It's okay."

Luke nodded, "Yeah, I don't know if we'd get along too well."

"He's nicer once you get to know him." Ashton smiled.

Luke gave an uncertain nod, but smiled nonetheless.

"Do you mind giving me your number? I don't want to keep your boyfriend waiting." Luke hated the way that rolled off of his tongue. He didn't want Calum to be Ashton's boyfriend. That position should be reserved for Luke.

Ashton smiled, "Of course."

Luke dug in to his pocket and fished out his phone, quickly unlocking it and opening it to contacts. He handed it to Ashton, who quickly typed in his number and returned it to Luke with a smile. Ashton leaned up and planted a quick kiss to Luke's cheek (almost daringly close to the corner of his mouth. Not that Luke minded).

(At all.)

"Text me tonight, Lukey."

And with that, Luke was left standing at an empty doorstep and with tingling cheek.

infatuation // lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now