(Spring) Chapter 8: The First Mission

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Olivia Clementine sighed. ''I'm surprised they managed to pass your test. You're usually very hard on new recruits.'' Xofamai took a puff of his cigarette before responding.

''I didn't go easy on them, I made them do something that would be hard but necessary for both of them. I know you don't like to let kids join the Resistance, but they're clearly ready. Unlike the soft kids of our community, these kids have arleady survived things that would break most people.''

Olivia didn't like to admit it but the man was right. ''Very well, but if this end up anything like Project Defender this will be the last time I enlist people under eighteen, understood?'' Xofamai stayed silent for a while after that but finally he nodded before walking out of the door leaving the old woman slumping back on her chair. She looked at a photograph of a group of young children all of them smiling and proudly wearing the emblem of the Resistance...

- - - - -

Oliver groaned while Clara looked at with an unamused frown. ''I'll never be able to do it Clara this stuff is too complicated!''

''Come on Oliver this is a book for five years old just spell out this word.'' She pointed toward a word in big red letter.

''Umm A-P-P-L-E, apply?'' Oliver said with an unsured expression.

Clara facepalmed in response. ''No! It's apple!''

Oliver face turned red and he looked down on the ground. ''Oh...''

Clara shook her head and turned the page to another word. ''Try this one it should be pretty simple.''

Oliver looked at three letters. ''C-A-T umm... Cat?''

Clara clapped her hands and smiled at him. ''Good job you're making some progress!'' Oliver rubbed the back of his head sheepishly at the praise.

- - - - -

Oliver yawned this was the second day in a row that they had been guarding the market area of the Ding Dong Community. They were there to make sure nobody tried to steal from the stalls and thus far nothing had happened at all.

''Oliver! Try to act professional you're making us look bad!'' Clara said embarassed when a stall owner looked at them with an unimpressed expression.

''It's not my fault this job is so boring! I though by joining the Resistance we would go out and protect people from wild Elestia. But thus far we've just been standing here doing nothing.'' He complained.

Clara shook her head in exasperation.''Did you honestly think they would send us to do important missions right away? We just started, so of course we're going to just act as guards at first.''

Oliver yawned once again which earned him a dirty look from the girl. ''I haven't even been able to use Bolt or Sandy since we've come here, I'm sure they're bored to death just like me.''

Clara tsked at him. ''I'm sure they're not, I mean just look at Marie she isn't even in a simulated world like your two Elestia and you don't see her complaining, right Marie?'' Clara opened her pouch and her smile faded away when she saw her best friend soundly asleep in the pouch.

Oliver snickered at the girl. ''See? She's bored to death too.'' Clara decided to walk away deciding they would cover more ground by being separated and she had no other ulterior motive to walk away from the snickering boy, nope not at all.

- - - - -

''I didn't know this place had a gymnasium.'' Oliver said in wonder as he look around around the large room.

''It cost a lot of ressourse to build. But the General seem to think it was a worthwhile expense.'' Xofamaia said in his usual bored tone.

''So why are we here and why are there balls on the ground?'' Clara asked curiously.

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