(Spring) Chapter 11: A Trip Down Memory Lane

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With how tired they all were it took almost an hour just to reach the library. Xofamai was the worst of them he looked like he was ready to drop at any seconds. Two of his three tails had vanished leaving only one tail in it's place. Clara really wanted to ask what he was but she knew the man was probably way too tired to launch into an explanation right now.

Oliver knocked at the door three time. Timothy opened up the door almost immediatly his worried expression made his wrinkles even more pronounced, making him look even older than he really was. ''Thank God you're all alright. I heard something roar over and over again. I was worried you got all killed by that monster.''

Xofamai was the first to respond. ''Sorry I know it's unprofessional of me but that fight took a lot out of me so if you don't mind I'm going to sleep I'll let the kids explain what happened.'' The old man nodded in understanding and Xofamai let himself inside before he crashed on the couch almost immediatly falling asleep right there.

''Come inside you two. I have some drinks down in the basement I'll go fetch some. you look thirsty young lady... You are Clara right? Sorry but you look very different.'' The girl eyes widened, in her tired state she had completely forgot to turn back into her human form. She nodded at the old man with a sheepsih expression.

Then Timothy noticed the blood on her right side and immediatly grew concerned. ''Oh dear you're injured! Stay there I must have some bandage somewhere!'' Clara immediatly shook her head.

''Don't worry about it. The wound is arleady healed I guess being a freak of nature has some advantage sometime.''

Oliver looked at her angrily. ''You're not a freak! Don't say that about yourself!'' He yelled, then he winced when he realised he was being too loud but Xofamai didn't even wake up.

''But that's what I am, my father took my humanity away from me. I can only pretend to be who I used to be now, but I will probably never really be myself ever again. When I was a young like many girls I dreamed of being swept off by an handsome Prince and have many children and live happily ever after. But look at me now, no sane humans would ever want to marry something like me.''

Oliver wanted to protest but he didn't know how. The girl shook her head and walked into another room. Oliver watched her go with a sad expression. He felt a hand pressing on his shoulder and look at Timothy who was looking at him with a soft sad smile on his face.

''I froze.'' Oliver said ashamed of himself. ''I wish I could tell her she's wrong but I don't know if that would really be true or not. I care a lot about Clara, but the fact she's part Elestia kind of make me nervous.''

Timothy shook his head. ''It's a strange world we live in. But I'm sure the girl will be okay as long as you stay with her. I can tell that she mean a lot to you and you to her.''

Oliver blushed but managed to nod in confirmation. ''I used to be a coward I ran away from everything. Everytime a place started to become too dangerous I would just bolt away and find a new place to find food. I hated myself I even abandoned people I used to care about because of this cowardice. But Clara changed that, I don't know why but ever since I met her. I finally got the courage to stand up and try to make a difference instead of just avoiding trouble.''

''You love her.'' Timothy said with a bright smile on his face.

Oliver sputtered and immediatly started to protest. ''What?! No! She's just a friend! The only friend I have left. Beside even if I did love her, which I don't. I don't think it would ever work. She's half Elestia, I like the human part of her but I'm not sure I could ever bring myself to love an Elestia not romantically, anyway that would be just weird.'' Timothy shook his head but said nothing in response.

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