(Summer) Chapter 1: New Ringabell

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July 16, 2069: Day of The Invasion

Ringabell City was frozen all the residents who weren't able to get out in time had turned into ice statues and would immortalize this tragedy for years to come. Overhead the serpentine form of Boreas could be seen flying in the air as he searched throught the ruins for any survivors left to kill, destroying many buildings that stood in his way in the wake of his search.

Amid all this destruction you could be forgiven for not noticing the small figure running for his life just outside the limits of the city. The five years old Oliver Wilden couldn't believe what had just happened. A Dragon had just came out of nowhere and froze his father along with the rest of the city!

This had to be a nightmare right?! At any moments he would be in his bed woken up by his father with his annoyingly cheerful morning voice so he could make him some breakfast before going back to his lab for the rest of the day while his nanny took care of him.

But no, no matter how much time passed he was still there, running for his life as the sudden bitter cold weather started assaulting his exposed skin. Suddenly Oliver stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened in horror.

There just a few meters away from him stood a creature that should really not be standing in the middle of a forest. Floating among the trees was something Oliver could only described as a shark. The creature had a few distinct features that a normal shark didn't have. Surrounding it's body was a thick shell that you would normally only see on sea turtles. The shell had multiple holes for all of it's fins to pass throught.

The creature was not floating entirely of it's own however. Surrounding it's body was a large bubble of water that seemed to move alongside the weird shark/turtle hybrid. Oliver decided he did not want the creature to notice him and tried quietly to retreat behind the many trees of the forest.

Unfortunately luck was not on his side that day. Just before he could make it safely out of the sight of the strange creature. Oliver accidently stepped on a twig laying on the ground. The proceeding snap seemed to echo forever in the silent forest.

It was then that Oliver noticed the strange creature had noticed him and was looking at him with a predatory glint in it's eyes. Abandoning all pretenses of stealth Oliver began to run like his life depended on it, because it was.

It took a while for him to notice it because of his blind panic but the creature was not as fast as he anticipated. Maybe the big shell on it's back made it harder to move. Oliver smiled as he realised he would be able to easily outrun the dangerous looking monster.

But his hope was soon dashed as the creature grew frustrate and stopped moving in the air and instead opened up it's mouth wide. Without any further warning a large stream of water errupted from the giant bubble. Oliver only had a fraction of a second to dodge it. He jumped out of the way so fast he didn't notice where he was going until he hitted his head on the trunk of a tree.

It took a few seconds for the ringing in his head to die down but when he finally regained his bearings he noticed that the shark had gained some ground on him. As he turned around to flee his mouth hung opened as he noticed the damages the creature attack had done.

One of the three had a perfect round hole in the middle of it's trunk and it looked ready to fall down at any moments. As if that wasn't enough a large rock stood behind the trees and the high pressure of water had cutted the rock cleanly in half. Oliver gulped as he realised what it would mean if the water had touched him.

The monster was upon him now and Oliver had to jumped out of the way as the creature slammed on the ground where he stood not even a second ago. Oliver realised he had wasted way too much time and he needed to get out of here now.

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