(Summer) Chapter 10: Battle Against a Duchess

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A loud roar reverbated throught the swamp. A huge hulking creatures made of stone glared dangerously toward the one who had dared attack him. In front of him stood two women clad in armors. The armors lit up with blueish colors, but while one of them was an aqua blue color the other one was a much paler and icy shade of blue.

''This thing is much more solid than normal rocks. It resist my high pressure attack like it's nothing. We need to find a weakness.'' The voice of Jasmine Jones said to her loyal squire.

The bear made of stone stomped on the ground and a bunch of rocks came out of the grown and was thrown in their direction. Jasmine shattered the rock by whiping at it with a tendril made of water. But once she was done she glance at the creature with a unbelieving stare. ''All the Earth Elestia we killed thus far has lost their powers. How is this one still able to use his?!''

She shook her head. ''Now is not the time to get distracted. Squire get ready on my signal!''

''Yes ma'am!'' The younger woman replied immediatly.

Jasmine outscretched her arms and the grass and flowers around her all withered and died as she extrated the water from inside of them. When she had gathered enough of the liquid she sent a massive torrent of water toward the beast made of stone.

The Elestia tried to errect a wall made of rocks and dirt but it was immediatly shattered by the water and the bear was soon engulfed in the water. ''Now!'' Jasmine yelled. Just as she ordered the water turned to ice and the creature was frozen on the spot.

Jasmine held her breath to see if the Elestia would break out of it's icy prison. But to her relief nothing happened. Once she was sure the creature was frozen to it's core she created another tendril of water and used like a whip to shatter the Elestia in a thousand pieces.

Jasmine finally relaxed and let out a sigh. ''I didn't expect so much resistance from this creature, I'm almost dehydrated. Give me a bottle of water Squire.''

Noelle did as ordered and gave the Duchess a bottle from her backpack. Jasmine uncapped it and proceeded to chug the whole bottles in a matter of seconds. ''Ahh~ nothing like a cold bottle of water after a good fight.''

Jasmine was about to walk away and go relax for a while but all those thought fade away when she heard the sound of a twig breaking behind a bush. Instantly she tensed and aimed the palm of her hand toward the bush. ''Come out so I can cut you to pieces.''

Instead of listening to her she heard the sound of rapid footsteps retreating from her. She narrowed her eyes. ''Oh no you don't, Squire come on!''

Noelle nodded with a determine frown and ran alongside her Duchess.

- - - - -

''Why are we running?! There's only two of them we can take them!'' Oliver said as both he and Clara sprinted as fast as they could.

''I felt a strong aura of life force from one of them, I'm almost certain she's a Duchess! Xofamai said we shouldn't fight enemies of that level on our own!'' Clara replied, she looked back and saw that despite their heavy armor the two Knights were gaining on them. She used her power and sent one of the trees tumbling down in their path. The trees around them were really close to each other, so close that it almost acted as a natural wall stopping anyone from going anywhere outside of the dirt path they were on.

The tree did managed to slow down the Knights, but not for long. Jasmine sent out a torrent of high pressure water that cutted thre tree in half. Satisfied with her work the Duchess and her squire resumed their chase on the two fleeings Chosens.

Jasmine let out two wave of water, but much to Oliver and Clar's surprise the water were not aimed at them. Instead the water was writhing on the ground like a pair of snakes at a blinding speed. Then when it was a good distance in front of the two teenager the two mass of water converged in each other and formed a wall of water in front of their path.

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