(Spring) Chapter 15: Ageing

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The group of four immediatly ran outside of the shack just in time to see a herd of rabbits-like creature emerge from the surrounding forest. William was the first to break the silence. ''Rose, Wulfric come out!'' A red and a icy blue beam both came out of his pockets and formed into two creatures.

The first one was what looked like a skunk except it was much bigger and instead of having a while line on it's back it was red. The red line soon bursted into a raging fire on top of the Elestia. The other creature looked like a lemur but it was blue in color with white stripes on it's tail and mist came pouring out of his mouth despite the pretty warm temperature.

Xofamia nodded at the boy before following his example. ''Misty, Angel come out!'' Oliver and Clara were arleady familiar with Misty, but Angel was a new one. It was yet anohter Kitsubi but this one was different from the rest.

She had seven tails which meant she was pretty old. Despite the name she looked nothing like an angel. Her fur was a dark gray color, she had large leathery wings sprouting from her back, she had long fangs sprouting out of her mouth. Her eyes were glowing with an eery green color and her ears were massive and lacked any fur on the inside.

''Another Kitsubi? You're really obsessed with them.'' Clara said with a raised eyebrow. Xofamai only shrugged in response.

''Sandy, Bolt come out too!'' The Fawna and the Shockrirrel materialised in front of him ready for a fight. The last one who wasn't ready was Clara. With deep breath she dropped her illusion revealing her hybrid form and she called out her best friend to her help.

''Marie come out! We have trouble coming on us.'' The small Rodair emerged from her pouch and flew in the air ready to swoop down on any Bunterra that came too close. Meanwhile William looked at Clara with his mouth hanging open.

''What the heck are you?!'' He asked in shock.

''Let save the questions for another time we have a horde to deal with.'' Xofamai said before ordering his Elestia to charge at the rabbit-like creatures. Both Kitsubi stopped a few meters away from their target and they began to attack at a distance. Misty release an icy breath that froze any Bunterra that came too close while Angel released a large gust of wind that sent many of the rabbits fly in the air. When they landed their body splated against the ground with sickening crunches.

Clara gagged when she saw a few Bunterra with limbs twisted in unatural ways laying motionless on the ground. Oliver felt disgusted too but he didn't show it. ''Sandy, Bolt go help them we must keep them away from the settlement!'' The Fawna and the Shockrirrel followed his orders and ran toward the advancing horde of rabbits.

Clara looked at Marie with a determined expression. ''Ready Marie? Let's go!'' Clara and her Elestia ran into the fray ready to blast any upcoming threats coming close to the wall. The first to reach the herd was Bolt with his incredible speed he proceeded to slam into one of the Bunterra. The impact sent both Elestia flying in the air but while the Bunterra had been knocked down Bolt redirected himself in the air and slammed into another upcoming Elestia. He continued like that a few more time until the Bunterra catched on and summoned vines to catch the flying Shockrirrel.

Bolt squeaked in alarm when he became tangled by the dozens of vines sprouting from the ground. ''Marie go help him!'' Clara yelled to her best friend. The Rodair nodded and send a gust of wind toward the vines which was enough to loosen their grip on the electric squirrel. Bolt quickly freed himself and resumed his attack on the Buntera with vengeance.

Meanwhile Xofamai was pointing at his wind Kitsubi. ''Angel send the Bunterra in the air with a strong gust!'' The Kitsubi flapped her leathery wings and produced a massive gust that sent a dozen of Bunterra in the air. ''Now Misty!'' Xofamai exlaimed the ice Kitsubi nodded and created several ice spikes out of thin air and sent them flying with deadly precision.

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