(Summer) Chapter 2: A Deal With the Devil

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''Crap!'' Oliver yelled as a disgusting green goop hit his shoulder and started disolving part of his body armor.

''Be careful Oliver! Don't let them aproach you!'' Clara yelled at him before blasting an uncoming Acidermin before it could spit at her.

''Oh gee! I would have never thought of that! Thanks for your great wisdom Clara!'' Oliver said in a sarcastic tone. Another rat came close to where Oliver was but before it could try to attack his Chosen, Bolt sent a shock of lightning toward the vermin frying it on the spot. But Oliver could see that the poor Shockrirrel was getting tired and the vermins just continued to keep pouring in the room.

Oliver made an annoyed grunt before deciding to change strategy. ''Alright Bolt that's enough come back!'' He said before the squirrel-like Elestia was recalled in a yellow beam of light.

Clara looked back at him incrediously. ''What are you doing?! I need your help!'' She said before backing off as another Elestia tried to spit at her. With an annoyed expression she lift the green mucus with her psychic abilities and flung the offending object back to the sender. The Acidermin squealed in agony as it's own spit began to melt him alive.

''Alright Snowy come out and use your frost breath!'' Oliver yelled before a white bear cub made of snow emerged with a pale blue flash of light.

Clara eyes widened when she saw an avalanche of ice coming toward her. By instinct she raised an energy shield in front of herself making the ice bounce around it. The next thing that followed was the alarmed squealed of the rats as they all turned to solid ice and were immortalized in the last moment of their life.

Once the attack finally died down Clara put down the shield and looked at Oliver with a crossed look. ''You almost froze me! You can't just do something like that without warning me!''

Oliver rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. ''Sorry, I guess in the heat of the moment I just acted on instinct.''

Clara huffed before walking away being careful to not step on the dozens of ice statue in the way. Oliver followed behind her with a guilty expression.

- - - - -

They had received payment for the job well done by their client and now Oliver and Clara had been walking back home for the past hours. Despite how long they had been on the road she had not said a single word to Oliver since the end of the mission.

''Oh come on Clara! I said I was sorry right? I will never make a mistake like that again, don't you believe me?'' Oliver pleaded but it fell on the deaf her.

The conversation quickly fell back to an uncomfortable silence. They were now in the middle of a small woodlands. It's crazy to think about but just a few months ago Oliver would be scared to death to be in a place like this. At any moments a wild Elestia could come out of a bush and try to eat them. But ever since he became a Chosen and got Elestia on his side he became less and less afraid of wild Elestia. They wouldn't know what hit them if they dared attack him now, Oliver thought with a confident smirk.

His confidence was soon shaken however as the sound of gunshot errupted from his right and barely missed him before hitting a small tree a few meter away from him. Another gunshot rang and this time it was heading straight for him. But just before it could hit him Clara ran in front of Oliver without hesitation.

The bullet hitted her in the face and promply bouced away as if it was nothing more than a toy. ''W-what are you?'' A feminine voice asked incrediously.

Clara glared toward the sound of the voice and found a girl with a tan skin and long flowing black hair. She wore a black tracksuit along with a red shirt underneath and a pair of black pants. Her white shoes were almost yellow by now with how much dirt and wear and tear had happened to it over the years. Around her neck she wore a necklace with two white feathers but it looked like at one time there was supposed to be three.

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