(Summer) Chapter 9: Tension and Mystery

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Oliver was in what looked like a tropical jungle but as was usual when he entered Draconid Gems it seem weirder than the ones on Earth. For one the grass was blue, but that was not surprising to him since that was also the case in the other Draconid Gems he had visited. Blue grass just seemed like a common thing on this planet. The other thing he noticed is that while the trees had normal leaves the trunks were completely made out of stones. Oliver shook his head, Celeste just did not make sense to him.

''About time you showed up. I was beginning to think you forgot about me.'' A female voice said above him and when he looked up he saw the majestic Phoenix that had saved the life of Thomas on his last mission. She was perched on one the on the rock-like branch of a tree.

''Sorry I thought you needed as much time as possible to recover from your injuries before I spoke to you.'' Oliver with a sheepish expression.

The flaming bird nodded in understanding. ''I see, that is considerated of you, but while I am in this gem I cannot feel any pain. So if you're here I am assuming you want to finalize our contract as Elestia and Chosen, am I correct?''

Oliver nodded but before that he had a question of his own. ''If you don't mind why did you risk your life to save that boy? If I had been an asshole and refused to put you in a Draconid Gem you could have died there.''

''If I want to be honest... I am really bored with life.'' She responded simply.

Oliver recoiled in surprise. ''What do you mean you're bored with life! Don't tell me I just befriended a suicidal Elestia!''

''No... well not completely I must admit the idea of ending my life has entered my mind a few time. But I always tought it would be such a waste. I want my death to have more meaning than that.'' She responded in her elegant but cold voice.

''You're kind of freaking me out with how casual you are with your own death.'' Oliver admitted with a small frown on his face.

''Sorry if I disturbed you, I suppose my situation must seem bizzare for species other than my own. You see in a manner of speaking my species is more or less immortal. Other Elestia can kill us over and over again but we will always rise back from our ashes. And as such we get to experience life for much longer than any other life forms should. Even the Kitsubi with all their wisdom cannot compare their lifespan to ours.''

Oliver cocked his head curiously. ''Just how old are you?''

''To be honest I have lost count after the first two thousands years. But I can tell you that I was there when the current dragons were born. And I was also there when the Rainbow Trees withered and died and drove all the dragons insane.'' She responded with a look of remorse.

''The current dragons?'' Oliver asked curiously.

''Ah I guess you wouldn't be familiar with the dragons life cycle. You see while dragons always had long lives they didn't used to be quite as long-lived as the current ones. Usually a Dragon would live from between a few centuries to a millenia but then they would die and the Rainbow Trees would put their spirit inside a new egg and they would be reborn anew. Just like us phoenixes, but without the burden of the memories of their past lives. But when the Rainbow Trees died the cycle of reincarnation of the dragons was broken. This is why they are so obsessed with staying alive. Because once they die, there won't be a next life for them this time. They will stay with the All-Mother for eternity.'' She finished solemnly.

Oliver frowned, he guessed that explain a few things but he couldn't say he felt any sympathy for them. After everything they did to humanity he didn't care about their reasons for doing it, he would still kill them for it no matter what.

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