(Summer) Chapter 8: Family's Pain

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Oliver had left New Ringabell in the early morning but looking up at the position of the sun it looked like it was arleady noon. He was walking throught the remains of a town. Like most other abandoned towns the building were cracking and decaying from lack of maintenance. With how harsh the winters of Orchestralia were he doubted the ruins of city would last more than a century. It was kind of depressing to think that people in a hundred years might have forgotten what the Old World used to look like.

His thought was interupted when he heard a low growl coming from a short distance away. Rounding up the corner he saw a group of three dog-like creature with sandy-colored fur and blue stripes. ''Huh... That must be the Elestia Nick is a hybrid of, Clara can you scan them with the- Oh right.'' Realising that Clara wasn't there with her interest about learning about the different species of Elestia made him feel a lot more lonely than he had been a second prior.

''Alright then I can guess they're Water Elestia, so Bolt come out!'' The Shockrirel emerged as soon as he saw the three growling canine he immediatly went to hide behind Oliver. He sighed in exhasperation. ''Oh come on Bolt! You've fougth against way worse than this. Come on it will be a piece of cake!''

Hesitantly Bolt came out from hiding and faced off against the three dog-like creatures. ''Alright Bolt use your Volt Ricochet against them!'' He had decided to give some of the attacks names to make it easier to command them in battle without having to explain his strategy in detail and waste precious time.

Bolt did as commanded and cloaked himself into electricity before charging toward his foes at extreme speed. The first canine yelped in pain as he was zapped by the small furball but before he could attack it, Bolt was arleady gone flying in the air and bouncing off the others Elestia in quick succession.

The canine had enough and with a final yelp they ran away from the electric furball with their tails between their legs. ''Good job Bolt! Now take a rest inside your gem!'' Oliver said proudly before recalling the hyperactive squirrel inside the yellow gem.

There were other wild Elestia watching him from a distance but when they saw what he did to the trio they decided to keep their distance from the boy. Judging he wasn't worth the trouble. A particular bird however looked at him with interest. She knew the world was at a crossroad. Two Dragons had been killed in about a month. She wondered which side would win in the end the Dragons or the humans? And if the humans won... Would it be the end of Elestia? Or would it simply be the rise of a new age?

Raising her wings she took flight, she was tired of watching the world unfold by the sideline but which side would she choose? She didn't know yet, but somehow she felt like this boy held the answer.

Oliver having noticed none of that continued walking throught the ruined town. He passed close to a pet shop and resisted the urge to peek inside. He went inside one once when he was desperated for any type of food. But the sight he had seen inside had cutted any appetite he had. The stench inside had been horrific and the animals had all died of starvation and dehydration after the humans who took care of them all died.

He had taken a sack of kibble for dogs and ran out of there as soon as humanly possible. He still wasn't sure if it had been worth it, kibble really tasted terrible. But then again it probably wasn't the worse thing he had ever eaten in the four years he had been on the road.

As he continued to walk he felt like he was being watched he looked around and saw nothing. He shrugged assuming his mind was playing tricks on him. He wasn't used to be alone anymore it was probably just his nerves. But just to be sure he kept his hand close to his pocket ready to retreive his Draconid Gem at any moments.

He was slowly exiting the limits of the town, he was rounding up the corner of the last building in sight. An old abandoned factory, of what he couldn't tell from the outside. There used to be a sign but the letters had all faded away with time.

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