(Spring) Chapter 10: The Dragonling

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Oliver woke up in a bed, he noticed immediatly that something was amiss. He recognized this room it was buried deep in his memories, memories of happier times. This was his room back when his mother was still alive.

Looking around he was filled with a deep sense of nostalgia. Hanging on the mirror He could see the fake medal his father had made him when he had first learned to swim. Standing at the head of his bed was a smaller replica of a pirate ship which bought memories of stories his grandfather used to tell him about his days as a sailor. Looking at the wall he could see a standard size television hanging on the wall under it, he could see the last Nintendo console the company ever made before the Invasion.

Looking down on himself he instantly noticed than his hands were much smaller than he was used to. He got out of bed and rushed toward the mirror and he gasped in shock when he saw himself. He looked like a three years old as fast as he could he ran toward the window and his eyes widened when he saw the town of Fluoti in all it's glory.

The houses weren't worn down anymore they looked pristine and lived-in there was no detritus in the streets and he could see people and cars passing throught town as if nothing was wrong. ''What the heck is happening?!''

Then he heard footstep coming his way and his breath caught in his throat when he saw his mother standing in the doorway. ''Oliver is somtehing wrong? You're making a lot of noise this morning.''

Oliver took a defensive position. ''I'll not be fooled twice, I know you're not my mother and I don't know how you create this perfect world but I see right through the illusion!'' The woman smile sadly toward him.

''This is no illusion Oliver this is only a dream.'' Oliver relaxed at the news but he also felt kind of disappointed.

''Oh... Yeah that make sense I suppose.'' He looked out at the window in longing. ''Do you think the world will ever go back to being like this someday?''

The dream version of his mother sat on the bed and put a conforting hand on his back. ''Maybe someday another civilisation will rise up and it will be just as great as this one was. But I don't think this world will ever be quite the same anymore, too much has changed arleady.''

Oliver looked back at his mother with longing and finally he sighedé ''At first I wanted to kill all the Elestia but now I'm not sure. I still hate most of them, but I can't hate Sandy and Bolt I arleady grew close to them after spending a month with them. And I also realised that killing the Elestia would mess up our planet even more than it arleady is. But at the same time I don't know how we can rebuild anything if the Elestia is going to destroy it all later on.''

Isabelle smiled at her son. ''I'm sure you will find a way. Humans might not have sharp teeth, claws or the power to shoot lightning at their foes. But we're a species that can adapt to anything. We got caught by surprise ten years ago but I'm sure with time humanity will bounce back. But first you must wake up.''

''Huh?'' Oliver asked questionly somehow at the end it felt like the voice of his mother had changed it sounded almost like...

''Oliver wake up!'' This time it definetly sounded like the voice of Clara! The world around him faded to white and felt himself being shaken awake, quite litterally.

''Wake up Oliver!!'' The boy woked up with a gasp. His vision was blurry but he could make out the silhouette of Clara in her human form. He groaned groggily he felt like he hadn't slept at all and his body was cold all over and there was a strange sort of emptiness he could feel inside of him.

''Did you really had to shake me like this?'' He asked with a hoarse voice.

Clara looked down guiltily at that. ''Sorry but you wouldn't stop saying mom over and over again, I thought you were having a nightmare.''

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