(Spring) Chapter 2: The Meeting

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Ten years later

Ten years ago humans looked up to the stars and thought of finally achieving their dream of conquering the galaxy. But now here they were drifting thought the world like leaves over a forgotten pool. Orchestralia was once a thriving nation, you could say that each town and city were their own little piece of music and they unified together to create one of the of the most amazing and complex song known to the world.

But after the tragic events of The Invasion that song had fallen silent leaving only a echo of what it once was. The tragedy that befell Ringabell City was not an isolated incident, far from it. All over the world creatures of unknown origins invaded every major cities in the world and destroyed them without mercy.

Some of these creatures shared a lot of similarities to the animals of Earth while other look completely alien. But if there was one major thing that differentiated them from animals. It was their incredible powers.

Each of them had an affinity with an element of nature that they could use at whim. Not only that but they were also incredibly durable. Even guns and explosives didn't affected them. The only things human's weapons would accomplish against them would be to make them angry. We have come to call these creatures Elementum Bestia, or Elestia for short.

While regular Elestia can be fearsome there are some out there that are much more fearsome than others. The worse of them were the eight creatures that bought the downfall of humanity ten years ago. People all over the world have given them many names over the years. Demons, gods, kaiju, spirits. But in the end despite all the differences between these eight creatures people have settled on one name to call them by: Dragons.

Each of them represented one Nature of the Elestia. There's Vulcan the Dragon of Fire, Zeus the Dragon of Lightning, Amphitrite the Dragon of Water, Gaia the Dragon of the Earth, Zephyrus the Dragon of Wind, Ogma the Dragon of the Mind, Thanatos the Dragon of Death and finally Boreas the Dragon of Ice.

These creatures are said to have lived for millenia before coming to Earth and the Elestia apparently saw them as their deities. After ten long years humanity had all but given up on fighting these creatures, after multiple failed attempt at killing them...

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Oliver Wilden was not that different from everyone else. For years he had kept his head down and tried his best to survive as best as he could. Some people would call him a coward, a vagabond that would leave all behind at the first sign of hardship. Roaming the ruins of what used to be Orchestralia and feeding on the scrap of everyone else. And maybe they weren't wrong, but what else was he supposed to do?

Elestia would regularly attack small settlements. Even the ones lucky enough to have a wall could easily get wiped out when they attracted the attention of too many wind Elestia. Or when something strong enough to destroy walls came too close to town. Oliver had seen too many setttlements fall over the years, so many settlements claimed to be safe and said that their community could endure any harships. But in the end they fell like all the others.

So Oliver began to drift from town to town leaving when trouble started brewing or when people stopped giving him their leftovers. Everyday he dreamed of getting revenge on these damn monsters for taking the only family he had. But he knew it was just wishful thinking. He was just another orphan like many others wandering aimlessly in this broken world.

One day he decided to return to Melody Town. Over the years it had become one of his most reliable source of food and it also was one of the place that felt most like home. While most town simply tried to survive Melody Town was one of the last few settlement that clinged to the ideals of the old world. It was one of the last few towns that still had restaurants not only that but running water too. Not every towns could claim that.

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