(Summer) Interlude: The Coming Storm

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The only sound that could be heard in the ring was the sound of breathing and rain. Most people were bothered when rain showed it's unwelcomed face during what was an otherwise pleasant day. But not her, she welcomed the rain like an old friend. In front of her stood a buff looking guy who looked like he spent his days bench pressing anything he could put his hand on. The Knights were full of people like him. She too showed a bit of muscle under her chocolat colored skin. You don't wear an armor that weight a ton and expect to stay slim.

"Ready... set... fight!" The announcer yelled and that was their cue. The man was the first one to make a move and ran toward her while letting out a scream. The man used the trunks he called arms and tried to punch her, but she was ready for it. Some say the way she dodged looked like a dance, a dangerous choreography between deadly blows. She did not see it as anything that fancy, but it had a way to infuriate and her opponent and angry opponents weren't thinking straight.

She dodged and dodged again until finally she began to see signs of fatigue in her opponent and she went to the offensive. Once she started hitting the match was arleady over. Her punches were lightning fast and precise, before he could even understand what was happening the man was left groaning on the ground while holding his aching head.

The few people who had not fled from the heavy rain clapped and cheered at her victory. But before she could savor her victory any longer a man wearing a full armor ran toward her. "Duchess Jasmine! The Queen has asked for an audience with you! She said it was urgent!"

She internally sighed in response but quickly composed herself and nodded. "Very well, I'll put my armor and meet her immediatly."

- - - - -

If she didn't know any better she would assume the throne room she was standing in had costed millions to make. But all of it was crystallized ice created by Queen Roxanne. She couldn't imagine how long the woman had spent meticulously crafting this room filled with arched windows, etchings of the Knights of Humanity emblem which consisted of a shield with a Dragon being skewered by a sword etched into it. And of course the massive throne where the Queen herself was now sitting looking at her with her usual unreadable expression. Jasmine removed her helmet before bowing in front of the Queen.

"Duchess Jasmine, I want to offer my condolence for the loss of your brother. Losing love ones is never easy, I would know." She said with what might look like a sympathetic look if you were looking for it.

"Justin was a traitor, the man that died fighting Boreas was not my brother." Jasmine replied with a cold expression.

The Queen smirked in response. "Very well then, I suppose we should get to the reason why I called you here. As you just said Justin Jones and three members of the Ding Dong Resistance killed the Winter Dragon not even a month ago. Normally I would rejoice at the fact that one of these demons are dead, but unfortunately Boreas death came with consequences for us. Since we were not the one to kill the Dragon some of the settlements under our protection have begun to switch side with the Resistance under the excuse that they made a better job than us to restore peace to Orchestralia." She said with barely contained rage.

"I see... but what can we do about it? Boreas is already dead, there's nothing we can do about it." Jasmin replied with a frown on her face.

"We have to show that we're still the better option over the Resistance. And to do that we will have to kill a Dragon of our own." Roxanne replied with a grim expression.

Jasmin eyes widened at her words. "Killing a Dragon?! I thought you said we weren't ready yet!"

''I wanted to have all the cards in my deck before making a move. But the Resistance has forced my hand. If we don't make a move now the Knights of Humanity will lose their credibility as the protectors of Orchestralia.'' Roxanne replied bitterly.

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