(Spring) Chapter 20: Aftermath

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''...Oliver!...Wake up!...''

''...Crazy kid...Bring to Ding Dong...''

''...Very lucky...Life force...''

Oliver woke up with a gasp all around him he could see a big white curtain and above him he could see the familiar gray ceiling of the metro. Beside him he could see a heart monitor faithfully beeping with each passing seconds.

He heard the curtain move and the face of a young woman poke from the entrance. ''I thought i heard a sound. I'm glad you finally woke up, you made a young girl worry about you, you know?'' She said in an almost reproachful tone.

Instantly he knew who she was talking about and he smiled sheepishly. ''Sorry, I'm told I can be reckless sometime.''

What he presumed to be the nurse nodded her head. ''Yes I can see that, wait here while I retrieve miss Clara, I'm sure she's dying to see you.'' Then the curtain was closed and Oliver was left alone with his thoughts. He still couldn't believe they had just killed a Dragon it almost seemed like a dream. But he knew it was real and he knew that the sacrifice they made for it to happen was also all too real.

Finally the curtain was opened once again and a familiar girl emerged from behind it. Oliver was almost disappointed to see her in her human form. He had gotten use to see her real self. But he knew that she was still self conscious about what she had become, so he decided to not bring it up.

Then he saw someone else behind Clara and his eyes widened when he saw that his arm was in a cast. ''Xofamai what happened to you?!''

Xofamai looked down at his arm like it was a mere inconvenience. ''Oh this? That happened when Boreas sent me crashing throught the window of that store. Don't worry about me, I had way worse than this.''

Clara crossed her arms and glared down at Oliver. ''It's you, you should be worried about! What were you thinking Boosting your Elestia twice in a row?! You could have lost years of your life doing a stunt like that! You should consider yourself lucky that you only lost consciousness! That and reopening your wounds even thought Aqua warned you! You're lucky Xofamai woke up soon after. I didn't have enough strenght left to drag you by myself.''

''Sorry, sorry! But we couldn't let Boreas get away... Especially after Justin gave his life for us...'' He said with a deep sadness in his voice.

Clara stayed silent for a while too at the reminder of Justin's sacrifice. Xofamai looked deep in thought and finally he talked. ''I misjudged him, I didn't want to completely trust him because of his past. I had very bad experiences with the Knights before and my experiences with them tainted my view of him. But Justin was a true hero, I have known a lot of soldiers in my time with the Resistance and I can count on one hand the ones who wilingly sacrifice themselves for others like he did. Risking your life and willingly dying are two different things.''

''Say Xofamai.'' Clara started. ''You've met a lot of people in your travels right? Have you ever met a Jasmine Jones?''

Much to their surprise Xofamai immediatly tensed. ''Where have you heard that name?'' He asked seriously.

''Justin said it was his sister, he told us to give her this necklace if we ever saw her.'' Oliver said before presenting the half heart pendant.

Xofamai looked at it with a blank stare before sighing deeply. ''Jasmine Jones... Is one of the Duchesses of the Knights of Humanity.''

- - - - -

Oliver had recovered enough to finally leave his hospital bed. But he was still banned from any missions for at least a week maybe even more. Word spreaded quickly throught the Ding Dong Community about what they had done. Everyone they passed looked at them with a mix of awe and amusement. Because they knew the two teens would never hear the end of it with the General.

World of Elestia: Seasons of WarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon