(Spring) Chapter 4: Their World

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Oliver was standing behind a tree. Observing the bird-like Elestia that was in the middle of drinking water at the river. Seeing that the Elestia had not noticed him he enacted his plan. With all his might he threw the brown Draconid Gem in the air and watched as it flew in an arc.

When it came close enough to the wild Elestia he yelled. ''Sandy come out!'' The gem stopped in mid-air and let out a beam of brown energy unto the ground. The energy shifted and took the form of a young fawn. After a full night of sleep inside her gem the Elestia had completely healed from her encounter with the fire lion from yesterday. ''Kill that bird as quickly as you can!''

Sandy proceeded to summon a single vine from the dirt and it latched unto the Elestia before it had time to fly off. She then used the vine and slammed the bird against the trunk of a tree. The bird died on impact with a crunch and Sandy released the dead body on the ground. Oliver winced when he saw that the impact had created a massive hole the size of a basketball on the trunk of the tree. At that moment he was glad the young Elestia was on his side.

Without wasting any time Oliver returned the fawn into her gem and then took the bird's limp body and dragged it back to the cave. As soon as he entered inside Clara made a disgusted face as she watched him come back with the bird's carcass. ''When you told me to go fetch wood I didn't think it was to cook an Elestia.'' Oliver shrugged before taking a large knife from his backpack and cutting up the bird. She instantly looked away from the gory display and tried to not lose her nonexistant lunch.

Oliver didn't know why but Elestia became really easy to cut once they died. But while they were alive the knife could do absolutely nothing to them. Maybe someone smarter than him knew the reason why, but he certainly didn't. ''I was kind of hoping for a bigger catch but we still can share.'' He said to Clara once he was done with taking out the organs.

At that she instantly turned green and shook her head. ''You can keep it, I don't eat meat.''

Oliver raised an eyebrow at that. ''So you're a vegetarian? No offense but how the hell did you survived this long? In this world you can't really be picky about what you eat.'' Clara didn't respond instead she decided to leave the cave. Oliver assumed she was trying to go search for food she would actually like and decided to leave her alone while he cooked his meal.

Fortunately they wouldn't need to search for food for Sandy. The little fawn was more than happy to simply graze on grass occasionally. She would also feed on berries when they were lucky enough to find them. But it seemed like her favorite source of food was the sun. Everytime she was outside the young Elestia would stand in the sunlight with a content look in her face. Oliver knew Earth Elestia were part plants but he didn't know they could also do photosynthesis, Elestia really were mysterious beings.

Once he judged the bird Elestia had been cooked well enough he eagerly took a bite out of it. Unsurprisingly it tasted a bit similar to chicken. But there was also a bit of a weird taste acompanying it that he couldn't place. But it was similar enough to make Oliver remember when he and his father would go out at their favorite restaurant.

Finally he let out a sigh once he was done with the meal. It had been a long time since he ate that well. Maybe having an Elestia wasn't so bad after all. His calm demeanor disappeared once he heard the sound of footsteps coming toward him. But he relaxed when he saw that it was just Clara coming back. But then his eyes widened when he noticed she had a large backpack with her filled to the brim with all sort of food that would last a really long time. things like oats, dried fruits and canned beans was filling almost all of the bag.

''Where the heck did you find all this?!'' Oliver asked in shock.

She laughed at his reaction. ''I paid for it, apparently they use empty cans of food as currency here and I knew that the CGO hideout was full of it. So I 'borrowed' them and paid for all this stuff. It was surprisingly cheap. I guess the people in town feel so safe they don't think they will need this in the future, oh well if anything happen it's their loss I guess.''

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