Chapter 10: Duels

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "No, rings like these are meant to be given to people that swore their loyalty to you, they resemble the bond between a warrior and their Jarl. I am not your Jarl and you are not my servants, thats why you will not be given an arm ring." Y/n explained and the guildmates all looked at each other, everyone nodding towards the other before falling to their knees.

Hunters: "Hail Jarl Y/n!" they said in unison before looking up to see their baffled guildmaster.

Y/n: "Are you sure?" They nodded. "By Odin I will have to make a lot of rings now... Rise." He said and his guildmates did. "You are crazy you know?"

Yang: "I can be everything you want.~"

Y/n: "Be less thirsty woman." Y/n said sternly. "We stil-" A knock at the door interupted Y/n, who walked towards the entrance and opened. The boy, a worker, froze in shock as he got face to abs with the behemoth that Y/n became. "Can I help you?" Y/n asked politely.

Boy: "S-s-sir Win-chester s-send me." The boy muttered out.

Y/n: "Oh and what would Cardin want?"

Boy: "He- he told m-me to-o give y-you this." The boy presented Y/n a mace, the mace Cardin uses and Y/ns face went from friendly to stern.

Y/n: "Tell him I accept." With that Y/n closed the door. "That little rat, who does he think he is." Y/n growled out as Fenrir, Hugin and Munin appeared.

Jaune: "Damn what got you so worked up?"

Y/n: "Cardin challenged me to a duel."

Yang: "And? Its not like you cant beat him now is it?"

Y/n: "He used my beliefs to do so. He sent a worker to hand me his mace."

Velvet: "What does sending you his mace mean exactly?" she asked her guildmaster who just sat down on the couch rubbing his face in frustration.

Y/n: "If a warrior sends another warrior his weapon that means they challenge you to a duel, the winner gets everything he wants from the loser, IF the loser is still alive that is."

Ruby: "Why would the one losing the fight not be alive after?"

Y/n: "These duels are to the death, but Im certain he does not know that part and Professor Goodwitch will not allow such a fight so there is that." Y/n explains.

Phyrra: "I hope you dont mind me asking but why did you accept?"

Fenrir: "Master cant decline such a challenge without losing his honer as a warrior." the wolf growled out.

Ren: "Is your honor that important to you?" the boy asked.

Y/n: "If I lose it I will never feast in Valhalla with my ancestors, I will never hear the stories they tell, I will never share mead with the gods and I will never fight on the final day alongside my fellow warriors."

Nora: "You could have said yes." Nora said with a smile.

Summer: "One question still remains." everyone turned to look at her. "How did Cardin know that sending his mace would have this meaning to you? I mean only people that know the norse believes should know the traditions and most religions apart of the believe in Oum and The Brother Gods are nearly extinct arent they?"

Phyrra: "She is right, I mean my family and I still worship the greek pantheon, Y/n and his believe in the norse sagas but apart from those few exceptions only Oum and The Brother Gods remain worshiped."

Ruby: "Couldnt Cardin just have read about it?"

Yang: "Sis. Cardin and reading? That goes as good together as Weiss being nice and Y/n not being handsome."

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