Baby Mama (Chapter Twenty Eight)

Start from the beginning

After we finished gifts everyone left except Dre who was going to stay in our front room and help us get the nursery ready. "thank you for staying." I said as they started carrying gifts inside. "no problem!" he said smiling. "where are we putting all of this? It won't all fit in that room." Austin said holding bags. "um lets just sit them in here for now." I said pointing to the corner of the front room. "speaking of that I was wanting to talk to you about that." Austin said sitting next to me "Hear me out, I know you love this house but how would you feel about moving? Not towns just houses." He said putting his hand on my leg.

"why?" I asked trying not to cry, again hormones. "were going to outgrow this house baby girl, and if we have more kids a second one wont fit baby." He said and I nodded "I know I just love this house and I can't afford a more expensive one." I said playing with my fingers. "Lanney I know you love this house, I do too, but we need a bigger house. You don't have to worry about money, I'm here and I'll make the house payments baby girl please let me do this for our family." He said kissing me "I'll think about it." I said kissing him back. "can we maybe go look tomorrow?" he said giving me the puppy dog eyes. "fine, only if I can pick 2 for us to look at, and you pick 2" I said smiling at him and he nodded "Agreed." He said kissing me.

After we got Dre situated, we started putting the crib up, we were going to paint it but with Austin bringing up wanting to move we decided to wait until we were sure. It didn't matter even if we found a house tomorrow it would take a while to close so I would for sure be having the baby here, which is what I wanted, I wanted her to be born in my first house, a house I paid for myself, everything in this house I had worked hard for and I wanted her to know that, even if she didn't understand that or even know I wanted her here.

We got ready for bed and as we sat in the bed, I was on my phone looking up houses. "what's our budget about $100,000?" I said looking at him, he was also on his phone looking "I was thinking more around 1 million, maybe a little more?" he said looking at me and I could have fell out of the bed. "what?" I said all wide eyed looking at him "what? I want us to live well." He said smiling at me. "Austin- "he cut me off "Lanney you asked, and I told you that's our budget." He said looking back at him phone not letting me respond. I continued to look at houses but not near a million, more around 300,000 to 800,000 even it was shocking me every time I looked at different houses.

I finally decided on two of them and so did Austin, but we didn't show each other, we just decided to not show each other and just drive to the houses and surprise one another. But right now, I was tired, and I could barely hold my eyes open. "I love you but I gotta get some sleep." I said kissing him before cuddling under his arm. The longer I was pregnant the more tired I was. Also, the longer I was pregnant the harder it was to find a comfortable position, and I hated it because I knew I would be awake within hours to get up and pee.

Were at the first house Austin picked and I loved it, but I didn't love the price "how much?" I asked the realtor "1.1 million." She said and I felt my heart sink "Austin." I said looking at him as we walked around the kitchen "Lanney stop just look, I love you and I want the best for you." He said kissing me "well I want to show you my picks first before we decide." I said and he nodded "I know, I know, I have one more to show you." I nodded "ready to see the next one?" the lady asked, and we nodded. Austin was driving since it was his choice. We walked through the house and it was still a million-dollar house but mine weren't that price, mine were much cheaper.

I loved the two houses he showed me but honestly, I loved mine more, mine were more normal, not so fancy and rich looking, at least not as rich as these houses look. "my turn!" I said getting into the drivers side and putting on my seat belt "Lets go." He said putting his hand on my leg as I pulled out of the driveway and followed the realtor. I couldn't wait to show Austin this house it was by far my favorite it just looked like home to me when I looked at it online. We finally pulled up behind the house because that's where the garage and parking was. "I want to show you the front of the house first." I said getting out quickly and grabbing his pulling him to the front of the house. I walked him out to the sidewalk and showing him "Look doesn't it look just like the perfect home for raising a family?" I said showing him how beautiful is this?

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