"You overestimate me, love. I was feeling benevolent," He spoke, a smirk gracing his lips.

"You're never benevolent," I responded pointedly, "Who is this guy? What's the five?"

"So many questions," Klaus mused. I couldn't contain the glare I sent in his direction. Why did he always do that? Mock me and make everything I say suddenly seem unviable, leaving me to wish I hadn't said it in the first place. I could only describe it as humiliating.

And I couldn't decide if I liked it or not.

Get a grip, Em.

"It's a good thing we have nothing to do today except get answers out of you. So, enough with the hybrid-douchery-- answer the question," I demanded through gritted teeth.

"Fine," He grumbled, "Stefan might actually be useful." There was silence for a moment as we all took a seat. Soon after, he continued, "I need you both to help persuade my sister to cooperate," Klaus said, "the brotherhood of the five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the twelfth century. Italy. My siblings and I had followed the normans as they conquered the south. Feeding, turning people as we went. But, with the bloodshed came exposure."

Stefan raised his eyebrows, "So these hunters have been around for 900 years?"

"Apparently," he responded, "Well, our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then. Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years."

"So Rebekah had a thing with one of them?" Stefan asked.

"Oh, she didn't just have a thing. She fell in love with him," Klaus spoke coldly. There was rage behind his words, a vendetta that aged with him. , "He told her all his secrets..." Silence. "Which I will gladly share with you... Provided you do one thing for me,"

"And what's that?" Stefan asked, his eyebrows furrowed in skepticism.

"Get Rebekah over here," He explained. Why did he want Rebekah over here? What was going on? "She's being stubborn and hateful. I need to make peace with her," He elaborated. I narrowed my eyes at him.

That's a bunch of bullshit.

"Uh, so, like-- I know manipulation is kind of your game, so you don't really do things just to ascertain peace," I began, "So if Stefan and I are going through with this, we need your word you're not going to use Rebekah without her knowing."

"Always the cynic," He spoke, eyes drilling rings of fire into my brain, "It's not like that. Rebekah will be completely fine with it. You have my word." He spoke so earnestly. And if I didn't know him, I wouldn't have doubted him for a second.

"And..." Stefan said, "What's in it for me?"

"Just get her here and I'll tell you," Klaus responded. Despite his promises of goodwill, I couldn't help but think something was very wrong.

"Oh, and Stefan," he spoke once more. Eyes turned to him. The next words he spoke were both vague and ominous and hung in the air for a long while after they were spoken. "Trust me when I say this- That hunter in there holds the answer to all your prayers."


The hunter was struggling, but his bonds were allowing him next to no movement. Sweat glistened on his chest as he released guttural, throaty sounds every few moments. "You feeling all right, mate?" Klaus asked, his lips curled into a smirk, "Are the shackles too tight?" I heard footsteps beginning to near me, and Rebekah's wispy blonde hair made an appearance. "Welcome home, sister," Klaus grinned.

"This is a trick?" Rebekah questioned, glancing at her deviant of a brother. If I were her, I'd be skeptical, too. I mean, she gets called over in the promise of fixing up past grievances, then sees a random shirtless man chained up on a wall. And Klaus' streak wasn't exactly clean. Not to mention she got called over to deal with a hunter, and then the hunter in question doesn't have visible tattoos.

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