Accidents Happen

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When I arrived at the grill the next morning, I silently prayed Matt wasn't going to be there. I twiddled with my sleeve in each of my hands, the events of last night flashing before my eyes. I knew he was drunk. I always know when someone I'm talking to is drunk. After years of experience, I could tell by the way they walked. Or the way they spoke and moved with fatigue. It was an unhappy realization whenever I knew someone was drunk. I couldn't judge them, but I could be uncomfortable. I had a bad habit of being assaulted by those who are drunk.

It was disappointing to add Matt to that list.

Ric and his Psycho new girlfriend (who we're not really sure is psycho but there's a chance she is) sat drinking beers and laughing together.

And near them... was Klaus. Who was accompanied by the one with boyish charm. Kol, I believe. Ric and psycho girl spoke to each other in a hush whisper, when Klaus interrupted "Let's not go blaming the new family in town just because you lot got yourselves a killer at large."

Ric glared at him.

"Don't mind us, my brother and I are just here to let off some steam, right Kol?" Klaus continued, nodding towards Kol.

"Right," Kol responded, his lips drawn up in a smirk.

I continued past them and walked up to the bar, finally making eye contact with Matt. It's fine, Emma. Just say it's over and leave. There's no chickening out now.

"Matt," I whispered, my hands fists by my sides. I wasn't sure if he heard me, as he was collecting a few glasses from beneath the counter. I took a deep breath and continued louder, "Matt,"

It was to my deep surprise that he stared me in the eyes... and turned away. I felt my heart drop into my stomach as I just stood there, probably looking like an idiot who just got rejected by the pretty blonde golden boy.

All my confidence came crashing down as he disappeared in the next room. This man has the fucking audacity to ditch me? After what he did to me? Bullshit. Utter bullshit.

Anger crept through my veins like poison, pumping into both my heart and my brain. I felt my hands become clammy. And, almost involuntarily, I heard my voice crying out, "You know what? Fuck you, Matt,"

And then I left.


I walked with Bonnie and her mother. We stood in the entryway to some freaky, old and worn down mansion. I had my arm linked in Bonnie's as we all spoke absentmindedly. She'd invited me on the trip so she didn't need to be alone with her mom. I was glad that, at the very least, she was speaking to her mother.

I felt eyes barring into the back of head, only making my paranoia worse. And that's not mentioning the dreary, dismal appearance of the mansion. With trees bare, flowers along the mulch long dead, ivy growing up the stone, and overgrown weeds, I felt as if I was in a horror movie. It was enough to distract me from the reason why I was here.

"Who's the creepy, lurkey guy?" Abby asked suddenly. I peeked behind me, and locked eyes with a timid, tall looking man. Quite obviously a Mikaelson. They tended to be odd. Starring, stalking, being all around weird. Not to mention serial killers.

I felt my paranoia begin to dissipate, as I sighed heavily and relaxed my shoulders.
"That's Esther's son, Finn, and he's a vampire, so..." Bonnie pointed to my ear, showing Abby that he had fancy super hearing.

"Oh, does he?" I repeated, my voice only a little bit louder as I spoke, "I wonder if he's also aware of the fact it's rude to stare," I turned and glared at him once more.

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