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(I highly suggest you listen to the song above whilst reading this.)

I woke up to see someone's wrist clouding my vision. I felt a warm liquid creep down my tongue. Slowly, my brain began semi-functioning. I attempted to struggle against the hand but was hardly strong enough to shake my head slowly from side to side. I sat up as cold, dull air filled my lungs. I was surprised to find I wasn't dead.

I soon realized that I was being fed vampire blood. Its tangy, bitter aftertaste told me that.
I shook my head, as I slowly began getting my strength back. I pushed the hand away and I backed up against the edge of the tub.

I looked up to see Damon, who had the most defeated and tired look across his face. I glanced back at Damon, still feeling the same, numb feeling. "Why didn't you let me die?" I asked quietly.

"What?" He questioned angrily, though I knew he heard me.

"I just wanted to die, Damon," I spoke softly, my voice hardly audible. His eyes brimmed with an emotion I couldn't read. He was angry, I knew that. But there was something else. Perhaps disappointment.

"No." He muttered, reaching for my hand. I retracted my hand as I glared at him, not giving him a chance to touch me.

He slowly lowered his hand, attempting to calm me down. Attempting. "I'm sorry," he said.

Suddenly, my numbness was replaced with anger. "Let me die! Why didn't you let me die?! I'm so fucking done with all this bullshit. No, Damon, I'm not going to calm down. Let me go," I screamed, tears pouring out of my eyes freely. I felt puerile anger coursing through my veins, and before I knew it, my fist was connecting with his jaw. And then I kicked him with all my strength. He pushed me away and turned me around, enveloping me in a tight hug. I struggled for a while before I completely just broke down and sobbed endlessly into his embrace.

"No way," He spoke, shaking his head, he let out a shaky breath and muttered, "I love you, Em. You can't just leave me hanging,"

"You have Stefan and Elena,"

"Elena and Stefan aren't Emma Bertan, are they?" He murmured. His hands rubbed my arms softly in an attempt to comfort me, He stopped at one of my cuts, tracing it with his finger. I felt him tense, then his warmth quickly disappears.

All of a sudden there was a flash, and Damon stood in front of me, his figure towering over mine. "What the hell is this?" He asked, picking up my own wrist and showing it to me, pointing to all my scars.

I shook my head, "What do you think it is?"

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He hissed.

"It's from years ago, Damon."

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, letting me go. "Why the fuck are you lying to me?" He demanded.

"I'm not lying, dumbass." I spat.

He slammed his fist against my wood dresser, splintering it. "Then what the hell is this?" He asked, grabbing the knife I had used to cut myself a few that morning. It had been in the sink. The old and worn knife had been one I'd used often, and the caked blood on it proved so. The blood was mostly dry, but not all of it.

"It's old," I explained.

"Then why isn't the blood dry?" He questioned, placing the knife in the trash.

"I had a nose bleed this morning, it must have gotten on the blade," I responded dryly.

"You're lying."

"I'm not."

"You are."

I sighed exasperatedly. "What do you want from me, Damon?"

"I want you to stop. If I leave right now, can you promise me you'll never do anything like this ever again?" He questioned, glaring at me without attempting to hide his skepticism. An ultimatum. His specialty.

I didn't answer. The silence was thick, drawn out. The clock near my bed ticked over and over. But it was so loud. So, incredibly loud. It filled my thoughts on repeat. Tick, tock, tick, tock. Damon remained still, staring at me with such intensity, his tall, 6'1 frame towering over my 5'5 one. I couldn't meet his eyes, I couldn't deal with it. He looked at me and nodded, almost reassuring himself of something.

"You forced me to do this, Em." He muttered, breaking the silence.

And just like that, I felt a tug on my vervain bracelet as it gave way. I gasped, realizing what he was gonna do. Was this really happening to me? Was Damon really going to do this to me? "Don't do this, Damon," I begged.

He shook his head. "I have to," he said, obviously trying to convince himself this was what he had to do. He grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him. I kicked and scratched, punching this way and that. He had 150 years on me, though. I stood no chance.

We both knew that.

hope you enjoyed 

uh hey lmao this is me from January 2021. That didn't age well. (Basically my entire friend group had a divorce and I was in the middle of it and didn't wanna chose sides long story short (that's a Taylor swift reference) I haven't spoken to cami in like 2 months. I still think she's chill we just don't talk anymore)

I love you ppl,


- and me from 20200

-me from 2021 failing all my online classes

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