Damon, You Dumbass

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Unlike the car ride here, I was completely frigid in my seat. My neck was pulsing, the cut being ripped back open for what felt like the fifth time today. I put my sleeve over my mouth in order to muffle the small cries that came from my mouth every time I breathed. I knew Damon was going to do something stupid, and then Klaus will do something to me right back. He could break snap my neck, or he could go ahead and break my back. He was unpredictable, and somehow that did nothing but fuel the fear that sprouted in my body.

"I'm not as evil as you think," I heard Klaus murmur, "I'll heal you when we arrive back at the apartment,"

"I'm fine. I don't want your blood," I responded, my eyes still focused out the window, at the passing trees that blurred in and out of focus every few seconds.

"Fine," He spoke, his tone growing cold, "You probably won't be alive to feel it much longer anyway,"

I felt my heartbeat increase. I breathed deeply to calm myself, which did little to help the tears that pricked the corners of my eyes. I was exhausted, and scared, and I was hurting, and I wanted nothing more than to just break down and cry right there. But I couldn't and the ache in my body was the only thing distracting me from my mind.

When we stopped outside Ric's old apartment, Klaus turned off the car and opened the passenger door for me, not bothering to offer me his hand this time. I stood up and was a bit surprised when he didn't grab my arm. Instead, he placed his hand on the small fo my back, urging me forward. It didn't really matter if he grabbed my arm anyways, we both knew I was hardly strong enough to escape this on my own.

He unlocked the door and pushed me inside. The sun peeked through the curtains as midday slowly faded away. Katherine greeted us as we walked in. She held a small cup of coffee. Klau turned to me the moment we entered, placing either of his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes, attempting to compel me, "Don't leave this apartment," He pointed to the door, "Unless I tell you that you're free to go. And do go sit down,"

I found my legs moving almost on their own as deep breaths. I was immensely disappointed about the fact the vervain had gotten out of my system so quickly. Had it already been twenty-four hours?

There was silence for a few moments before Klaus turned to Katherine and asked, "What have you been doing?"

Katherine breathed out nervously picking up a cup of coffee, "Making coffee. Want some?"

Klaus sped forward, picking her up by the neck, a horrible gasp coming from her contracted throat. My eyes widened in surprise, startled at his quick and unforgiving movements. What had she done to offend him?

"Tell me what you've been doing." He spoke, tilting his head patronizingly. I noticed his pupils dilate, signaling to me that he was compelling her.

Katherine chocked out in strained breaths, "making coffee,"

He stared at her, his eyes narrowed in cynical doubt, before letting go of her. She fell to her feet, coughing and sputtering as she struggled to gain control over her breathing.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, my eyebrows furrowed in concern. She nodded.

"Wait," Klaus rasped, slowly turning back towards her, "take off your bracelet."

Katherine paused, worry written across her face. Silent panic filled her eyes as she visibly paled. She did as instructed, though, and slowly removed her daylight bracelet, which she handed to him with cautious hands.

Little White Lies | Klaus Mikaelson (1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα