Oh, Kinky

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I sat in Elena's car with Bonnie and Elena, heading to Bonnie's mom's house. The mood was rather tense, with the car completely silent, my hands grasping my skirt in my fists. Bonnie hadn't seen her mother since she had abandoned her when she was young. So, of course, Bonnie was quiet and expectant. Just looking at her, you could tell she was exploding with anticipation.

So, she'd called Elena and I to come for emotional support. At first, I was completely opposed to the idea. The only reason I'd agreed to be in the same car as Elena was because Bonnie needed us. That's not to say I was happy about it.

"I just believe I'm actually gonna see her," Bonnie sighed, tapping the steering wheel with her forefinger absentmindedly, "Or meet her, sort of, since I don't really remember her."

"Bonnie, you're a bad bitch. And Elena and I will be here the entire way through," I assured her, "We can stop by McDonald's for some comfort burgers when we're done," Bonnie chuckled airily, and gave me a tight lipped smile.

"You never talk about her much," Elena's voice spoke up from the back seat. I immediately felt irritated, and recalled why I didn't want to be on this trip.

"What's to say? She left, never wrote, never called," Bonnie explained, shaking her head as she fixated on the road, "Not even when my Grams died," She was isolating herself. She was completely emotionally distancing herself from the situation.

"Can we talk about you and Damon, instead," She continued, glancing at Elena from the rear-view mirror. I immediately sat back in my seat, glancing out the window, completely uninterested in what she had to say. I'm going to make what she did to me everyone's problem.

"I'm not talking about it," Elena's voice spoke, as she wrapped her arms around herself. Good, I don't want to hear your whiny voice. Bonnie looked at her with a glare, daring her to go on. Elena groaned and threw her head back, "He kissed me. It's not gonna happen again,"

There was silence, and I tapped my fingernail on the leather seat. Eventually, Bonnie asked, "I mean... Was it good?"

I was angry, but even I was wondering that. Just because I considered Damon a brother, didn't mean I couldn't appreciate the fact that he looked like a Greek god.

Elena shook her head."Doesn't matter,"

Bonnie scoffed, nodding to me with a wide grin, "That means it was," I threw my hand over my mouth to stifle my laugh. Don't laugh, she'll think you're not mad at her.

Bonnie's phone rang. She tore her eyes from the road for a few moments, glancing at the caller ID and rolling her eyes, "It's Stefan. I told him I'd call him as soon as we got the address,"

"Ignore," Elena muttered, clearly not in the mood to deal with his humanity-less boyfriend. She continued, "Bonnie, you're about to see your mom for the first time in fifteen years. I'm not letting anyone ruin that moment."

"He's gonna pick at you until you pick up," I spoke contrarily. God knew Stefan could be pushy. Especially without his humanity.

Bonnie nodded, "Em is right," She nodded at my, then turned to Elena and passed the phone towards her.

Elena stared at the phone, like she were judging it. "Fine," She muttered, grabbing the phone from Bonnie's hands, "What?"

"Where are you?" Stefan asked from the other end. Elena turned the phone on speaker. His tone was angry and authoritative.

"Bonnie and I are going to spend the night at the lakehouse while we wait for sheriff Forbes to give us some more addresses," Elena lied. Rather well, might I add.

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