He's Dead

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The people who claimed to be my parents never came back, and I had no idea what to make of them. They knew things that a simple google search could tell them, but it was unsettling, considering I've never met them. Why would some random couple want something with me?

Klaus, along with his siblings, had disappeared for three weeks. I thought they left. For good. At least, that's what I told myself. I knew I was optimistic to think they were gone for good, but it didn't stop me from keeping up hope.

Caroline, Elena and I walked through the woods, the cold air pushing our hair this way and that. I buried my hands in my pockets, shaking from the cold. I sniffled every few second, my nose red.

"So Alaric killed my father?" Caroline asked suddenly. She said it with a straight face, but I could hear her breaths wavering as she struggled to keep herself together.

"Yea..." Elena trailed off, "Basically, as Ric died over and over again, he got possessed by something. He started... hurting people. I hardly managed to stop him,"

"I don't expect you to be okay with this," She explained, "But Bonnie gave him some herbs that are healing him and keeping the dark side buried."

"Yeah, and that's supposed to make everything okay?" Caroline asked suddenly, turning towards Elena. Her eyes were brimmed with tears. Her voice was wracked with pain only grief could force onto you.

"No, Caroline, it's not, okay. It's horrible," Elena responded, a frown playing at her lips. Why did she sound so disingenuous? "He's a victim of something supernatural. He didn't ask for this. It just happened." Ah, there it is.

"What the hell, Elena," I spat, "Her dad is dead. Just because Ric is a victim doesn't mean Caroline can't be angry. You're being insensitive right now,"

She really could be so insensitive sometimes. Her friend lost her dad and she's defending the man who killed him. I know Caroline needs to know, and Ric didn't mean to, but she still needs time to heal. And to say that when she was crying, too?

"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help Ric," She said with a frown, "Who would I be if I turned my back on any of you?" Probably not annoying. And there she goes, victimizing herself.

Caroline and her embraced each other for a few moments. I couldn't shake the lingering feeling of irritation, made worse by the dread that was taking up space in my gut. I didn't understand what there was to dread, though. Nothing was incredibly wrong. It was similar to the feeling I'd gotten at Prank Night.

I heard a few sticks and leaves crack king, and turned to Matt. He spoke. "Hey, what's with the cryptic secret meeting text?" I was too busy glaring at him to register what he said. So we're gonna pretend like you didn't ignore me after being an asshole?

"Hey, Matt," I said, crossing my hands in front of my body, "I hope you're doing good! Hey, wanna see the bruise you gave me?"

He met my eyes and began mouthing words. But never speaking. And then he took a few steps away from me. Both Elena and Caroline look puzzled at his odd behavior. Who in the hell does shit like that? His childish of him. I tried to convince myself I didn't care, but it didn't stop me from creating crescent moons in the palms of my hands.

Damon and Stefan suddenly arrived, walking towards the clearing we all stood at. The tension in the air dissipated, but some of it still lingered. "Where's Bonnie? I texted her, too," Stefan questioned the rest of us.

Caroline sighed, "Bonnie's mom bailed on her," Again? I mean, Abbey just died. You'd think she'd want to hang around for just a little while before abandoning Bonnie again. That poor girl. The universe hates her.

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