Chapter 26: She Was My

Start from the beginning

Kris walked out with his arm over the girls shoulder.

What the hell?!

My chest rose and fell aggressively, "That's him isn't it?" He asked quietly behind me.

I'm about to elbow him in the Fucking gut.

"Can you fuck off?" I asked glaring back at him.

He made a face, "You need to chill, babydoll." As soon as he finished that sentence I went flying into the pool.

The water hit like ice and I popped back up pushing my hair back and scowling at the back of Winston as he headed inside whistling to himself.

Fucking asshole.

"You alright?" Mason asked while I waved him off, "I'm fine. Just needed to cool off." I said embarrassed.

Kris definitely saw that.

Fuck my life.

Viktors POV:

The home was fuller than it has ever been. Im a very private man but I believe all that's changed as soon as the end of the world came.

We set up the entire backyard with dining tables and chairs. Everyone was laughing and trying to forget who they've lost and who they miss.

Annie and her husband George were very quiet, both of them clearly on edge about their daughters whereabouts. I can understand that.

Jessa was sitting at a table with Faye and Kora while doing a small dance and laughing as she tried to do what Kora was doing.

She was my good girl.

Looking to Arabella, I watched her lift her eyebrow at Mason and say something sarcastic and rude. I could tell by the expression on her face. He leaned in and said something back while she laughed dryly.

She was my most sensitive.

Vydia was laughing into Anne's shoulder shaking her head and turning red before dropping her face into her hands and then throwing her head back laughing harder. Lucien watched her with so much love, laughing as she laughed and giving her gentlest stare. She hadn't noticed.

She was my proudest.

Melissa bounced Bella on her lap and furrowed her eyebrows as she talked with Lilith and Abbigale. But she caught eyes with me and gave me a small smirk before staring back at them.

She was my loveliest.

And Bella, well she was mine. She'd do great things, she's got my genes.

But those were my girls. I'd kill everyone in this room for them. I probably wouldn't kill my sons but I'd kick their asses for the girls.

Luckily I won't ever have to, they love them as much as I do and that makes me feel proud.

Thomas stood and clanked the glass with a spoon, drawing all of our attentions.

He gave everyone a smile, "We're still missing a bit of our family, but according to Petra they'll be here soon and they're safe. I believe that we will be the ones to re-establish this country, to rebuild it. We'll be spending our lives together, all of us." He sounded a lot like me, "I just hope we grow closer." He said before sitting down.

Jolene gave him a smile and stared at everyone with gentle kindness.

Melissa stared at Jessa, and she seemed to be really focused on her. As I stared to Jessa too, I realized the oddness of Jessa's behavior. She was flinching lightly and staring at Koda and then her plate. Softly she picked at her food and then pushed the plate away casually.

What the hell?

Petra's POV:

All he cares about is getting his dick wet.

"I've done more than enough! More! I want a fucking body! And if you don't give me one I swear I'll find a way to possess your girlfriends body." I threatened jolting a finger at the bitch Jessa.

Koda whispered under his breath "I'm working on it. Leave me alone." He said rudely.

Oh working on it, "Clearly. You're working on trying to get into Jessa's pants. Not trying to help me. You're Fucking selfish! Selfish! She's a retard! A re-tard Koda! She isn't-"

His eyes met mine now, "If you don't knock that shit off, I'll talk to Andres about getting you gone for good." His words felt like a smack to the face.

My own brother-my twin, was selling me out- for some "You would sell me out for a bitch-a whore like her? I'm your blood! Blood god dammit!" I shouted trying to shove him but my hands kept going through him.

He scowled, "Jameson was my blood too." His words felt like ice picks jabbing into my chest. As if Jameson is anything like us. We have spent every moment of our existence together and this-this is how he betrays me.

"Fuck you Koda. And fuck your retard of a girlfriend. She probably has to think abut chewing, swallowing and taking bites or she'll choke and die." I was being aggressively mean but he pissed me off.

Going to the bitch, I stared directly at her, flipping her off, "Go rot in hell you useless sack of flesh. Fucking bitch." I said before vanishing to the nothingness for some peace and quiet.

I hate everyone.

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