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Hidden behind the dense line of trees, I watched since sunset as the pack of mutts prepared for the ceremony I overheard patrols say was happening tomorrow. The closer it came to daybreak, the more they have let their guard down. Now only a few are out keeping watch, others have either passed out drunk or are sleeping inside. I have been waiting for close to six hours and I have finally discovered where the flea-ridden pups are keeping my mate.

The plan was simple. I would do what they expected me to do. Attack front on. I will draw the attention of all pack members while Marcus releases Yasmin. Mother is to stay hidden until she is needed, and she will only be needed when Yasmin has stepped foot outside.

Marcus had woken faster than I had thought and was able to catch us just after we had set out. Looking to my left at both my mother and Marcus, I nodded my head towards them before silently heading towards my target. They both knew the plan, there was no need to go over it once more.

I was able to kill two of the wolves before the alarm was raised. The loud howl ripping through the otherwise quiet night. The aim wasn't to just kill them all. Because I knew I could, and it would only take me a second. No. I just needed to keep them busy.

I could feel the shift in my eyes as they sharpen, taking in every detail around me. The pleasurable pain in my gums told me my teeth were lengthening, and the tare of flesh giving way to my sharpened nails.

They came at me faster, growling, and snapping their canines at me. The sharp nails on my hands tore into the flesh of the men and the beast, like I was carving butter. My fangs tore the thin skin away from their throats, gurgling sounds stopping before the body hits the floor.

Spitting the latest kill from my mouth, his blood tasted foul, a wolf managed to get past my defenses latching onto my shoulder. The distraction was enough as more wolves sunk their teeth in my body.

Heaving them off one by one, I tossed them at the closest wall. Five in total flew through the air only to be stopped by the building holding my Alma Gemela, before sliding down to land on the ground.

Hundreds of wolves now surrounded me and once again the night was silent. Robert Bristol stalks out of the house, another man standing beside him. This must be Alpha Ruby.

"On your knees leach before my wolves make you." I forgot how Bristol's voice always sounded like he was bored. Allowing him to think he had won I lowered myself to the ground. The alpha beside him seemed impressed with the display of power towards a vampire by the look on his face. This was only confirmed when he spoke.

"Well done Alpha Bristol. I had my doubts about the marriage from the start but my boy wanted it so I conceded. But seeing how you took down this lowly vampire fast, I am glad our packs will be joined."

At this Caine began to laugh. Harder than he has laughed in a long time. Holding his stomach and laughing even louder just to piss the waiting wolves off, I only stopped when Bristol bellowed for me to stop.

My laughter had stopped but the ghost of the sound still rang in the breeze. "And what was so funny about what I said, vampire?" Alpha Ruby spat.

Standing slowly, I kept my eyes on the two Alphas. "All of it was funny. Don't you see it? There was never going to be a marriage. The packs will not be joined by this pairing, and that pathetic excuse of a dog will never have power over me. Do you not know who I am? Who you have decided to rage a war against?" Taking a step forward throwing my arms wide, I continued not waiting for him to answer. "In case you need a refresher I will tell you. My name is Caine. Son of Diana. Prince of the nightwalkers. And you have taken my mate." A bit dramatic, but oh well.

Out of the corner of my eye, a flash of movement caught my attention as my mother walked into view. This was my signal to tell me Yasmin was safe.

Heads turned as a gasp escaped a man standing to my left. With a smirk, I watched as Alpha Ruby had finally taken in my words. His eyes snapped to the side as my mother drew her arm out of the wolf's chest, the pulsing heart of the man clenched in her fist. "Eaton Ruby it has been a long time. How have you been?"

I watched as mother walked straight over to the Alpha who was no longer looking cocky but instead looked terrified. I never knew my mother knew this man but now I wanted to know how? He was just shy of pissing his pants.

"I-I'm sorry Moon Queen, I did not know. My pack apologies to you and your son. We shall leave at once." He had dipped into a low bow which had me more confused than the title of moon queen he had given mother. I watched as mother stroked his cheek, her finger stopping under his chin lifting his head so she could see his eyes.

"And the marriage?" She asked

"There will be no marriage Moon Queen. We have been misinformed and shall return home at once." His eyes grew wide as if he realized something. "I-If that is okay with you?"

This whole time Bristol had been backing away slowly. The distance between mother and him growing with every breath as he left his wife and pack to deal with this new threat.

As I was about to say something, a larger howl came from in the trees. A wolf with a coat the colour of autumn streaked across the field and landed on top of the escaping figure of Robert Bristol.

Her teeth bared and a low growl rumbling in her chest, Yasmin pinned her father to the ground with ease.

"What are you doing you ungrateful child. I knew from the moment you were born a girl you were going to be a disappointment. To think you would choose a vampire over your own pack." The sound of Robert and the words spilling out of his mouth were making me angry.

Stepping forward to kill the bastard, Mother's soft voice stopped me. "No son, leave the girl to handle this." She turned to the man quivering in front of her, holding him in place with her finger still placed under his chin. Without saying a word, she turned his head so he would be able to see Yasmin and Robert.

I could hear her bones snap and within a few seconds, her naked form was now holding her struggling father on the ground. "The only disappointment here dad is that I never killed you sooner."

Before I could blink, Yasmin had her claws in her fathers' neck. Pulling her hand away, she held his windpipe in the air like a trophy.

All around the opening, men began to shift. The snapping of bones rang throughout until half the people present were in their wolf form.

Yasmin rose, her father's windpipe still in hand, and faced the crowd.

Her eyes darted around the space landing on mine.

With a smile towards her, I managed to open my arms right before she crashed into my body.

"Alma Gemela" she whispered into my neck. Wrapping my arms around her tight I kissed her head.

"It's okay my soul, I'm here. Sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"Mary..." Yasmin choked out.

Stroking her hair, I spoke softly, "I know, it's not your fault."

I pulled her away gently looking into her eyes. "Yas, I think you have one more thing to do."

Her eyebrows creased at me then she looked around the area. Wolves stood in a half-bow facing her.

"Alpha Ruby, do you deem the kill of Alpha Bristol to be a fair one and therefore concede the new Alpha of the Bristol Pack to be his daughter, Yasmin Bristol, the firstborn and sole successor?" My Mother's voice echoed around the pack. The weight of her words hitting both Yasmin and me.

"I Alpha Ruby, highest-ranked wolf present agree the new Alpha of the Bristol Pack is Yasmin Bristol. Acknowledge your Alpha."

On his command, howls filled the early morning.

Thirst of the Heart (COMPLETE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora