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I stopped at the door, noticing Caine hadn't followed me. I didn't want to stay but I also had nowhere to go if Caine were to stay.

Drawing in a big breath I turned to see Caine was still standing in the same spot I left. His whole body ridged; eyes locked on me.

Within a blink of my eyes, Caine was now standing in front of me, his grip on my arms punishing. "You're a mutt?" His nose trailed along my skin taking in my smell. A wave of need pulsed through my body even as his grip tightened and the words he spoke stung.

"Caine, you're hurting me." I whimpered.

"You think you could fool me, wolf? Pretending to be a human to get close to me? Why? What is the point? What are you after?" The menace in his voice was like a bucket of cold water being dumped on me.

What is he talking about? Pretending to be human. Wolf. Mutt.

Wait... Is he calling me a dog!

Using what strength I could muster, I pulled free of his hands. With a loud slapping noise my hand connected with his cheek. "How dare you call me a dog. I have been nothing but nice to you and you would go and believe those people over me. I don't even know who I am let alone them." My voice had turned shrill and I stopped, taking a deep breath to calm back down. In a much quieter voice, I continued. "I trusted you completely, even after everything. One word from complete weirdos and this is how you act towards me. Now I know who you truly are."

Not wanting to face him anymore I turned, running from the house and down towards the road we came in on. I was slow because of the stupid heels I wore so stopping quickly I removed them before continuing on the grass alongside the rocky road.


I watched as she ran from me. What was more than surprising is that I allowed her to do that. How could I be so stupid? I was the one who scraped her off the road. I was the one who fed her my blood to keep her alive.

I wanted to hit myself in the head for my own crazy reaction, but how can my alma gemela be a wolf? Vampire and wolf cannot be mates.

The soft whimpering behind me pulled me from my thoughts. My gaze hardened once more as I turned to face the couple behind this mess.

In a few long strides, I was in arms reach of the pair.

"Tell me," I growled out.

I was expecting Robert Bristol to speak but it was the woman Lucy, who spoke first. "We are who we say we are. Yasmin is our daughter. The first child of the Alpha male and female Bristol even if she has no clue who she is. On the day we announced she would be married to Keith Ruby - son of the Alpha Ruby's - she panicked and ran. We have not heard or seen of her until tonight."

"She is mine. No one else's." I was getting angry at the thought of someone else trying to claim what is mine. No one would touch her like I was going to.

"Yasmin will never be mated to one of your kind. The deal has already been struck. She will marry Alpha Ruby's heir whether she remembers us or not." Venom laced Robert's voice as he spat the words at me.

My hand shot out grabbing a hold of his throat - his struggles pathetic against me. "Do not Fuck with me, Bristol. I will snap your neck right now if you continue to piss me off."

"Please," the quiet voice of the women drew my attention. "She's my baby. I need to know she is safe at home with us."

They are still going to try and take her from me. My eyes began to change and my fangs lengthened. A feral noise escaped my mouth as I tossed Bristol - who's throat was still clenched in my hand - across the room.

His body erupted with fur, landing on all fours he leaped across the room to attack me.

"ENOUGH!" the loud boom of Fredrick's voice halted the both of us. Frozen only inches away from each other. The magic man - as he is called - held both of his hands in front of his body. The magic he welds made him the perfect head for the council of supers.

"Alpha Bristol, shift back at once and you Caine, I expected more from someone of the likes of you." Fredrick's eyes bore into me searching for answers to questions only he knew. His eyes grew wide and with a nod of his head, I was released from his hold. "Go now, Caine. Find her and keep her safe."

Not saying anything else, I turned walking towards the exit.

"No, you can't let that filthy bloodsucker near my daughter. She is to be the ruler of the Bristol pack. I won't allow this to happen." Roberts yelled still kept in place by Fredricks magic. Lucy was uselessly sobbing next to her husband. Too weak to even fight for her daughter.

"It is now none of your concern Alpha Robert. The girl belongs to Caine in every way possible." Fredrick sounded more amused than anything else.

Once outside my extra senses took over. Heavyindents in the gravel showed me which direction she went. Taking a deep breath,I ran.

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