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36 hours earlier...

The cool air hit my face as I tore from the tent. Yasmin is mine. I won't sit here any longer while that mutt tries top make a claim on her.

I could hear the beta and my mother exit the tent behind me as I heaved in lungful's of air. The movement exaggerated by my large chest.

"It may all ready be too late. It all depends on the connection she feels towards Caine." Beta Michael's was talking to my mother, his words were hushed but not quiet enough.

Before he could even blink, I had him by the throat, holding him at arm's length, if only to stop myself from ripping out his throat.

"Do you not have any good news for me, or are you so willing to die you speak that of which will get you killed?" My voice almost demonic now.

I have to find her. No more of this pussy-footing around waiting for the recon to return. I continued to stare at the wolf in my hand. His gaze as unwavering as mine.

"They have returned." A voice shouts from the outer boarder of our makeshift camp.

"Bout' bloody time," I hiss tossing the unless wolf to the ground before spinning to face Marcus.

Mother, stepping forward, eye's me with a smile before she raises her hand just as Marcus captures it planting a soft kiss on her skin.

A disgusted noise escapes my mouth at the action drawing their eyes to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry Caine, did you want me to kiss your hand too?" Marcus chuckles stopping once he sees the glare on my face.

"What have you found?" I demand.

"Yasmin. We found Yasmin. She is hidden deep within the forest of dark, protected by magic and bound by metal." Marcus was far to happy about this. Did he not realize entering the forest of fate was a death sentence to any and all supernatural beings?

How was Keith able to secure a safe passage and place to hide?

"But there's more," he cheerfully taunts. Turning to the fellow vampires and wolves in his team, Marcus motions for one to step forward. "I stumbled across this little one trapped in a thorny bush, she was near death but I managed to free her and in return she agreed to help me."

There sitting on the shoulder of a wolf I was unfamiliar with was a Dryad. It's pointed features and leafy attire shook more the closer her ride came towards me.

Stopping a short distance away, I listened as her high whining voice told the story of how the sad wolf rescued a dryad and in return was allowed safe passage into the forest, and the following events leading to my beautiful Yasmin being held captive.

As the day wore on and the little light that shone through the canopy above darkened, wolf and vampire alike readied for the battle we would face ahead.

We knew that without an amulet we were in for a fight. Tree people lurked in those woods and they protected it fiercely.

"We don't stop until we bring my mate, and the true Alpha Luna of the Bristol pack home." I roared at the assembled army.

With a deafening roar in return, vampire and beast followed me deeper into the woods.


The tree people began their attack the moment we stepped foot on their land. Their branches shaking and swaying creating damaging wind that could be felt for miles.

Through the night we ran and fought, with small moments of peace between the fighting. The tree people were weary of our large numbers, dropping back constantly only to attack once again the closer we got to the clearing where Keith hid.

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