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Spinning around, my eyes franticly dart around the large field encircling the cottage.

Vampire and wolf alike, battle viciously against creatures horrific in sight. Long spindly arms drag across the forest floor as the tree like figures race towards my saviours. Their uneven hobble graceful in an unlikely way. Creaking and groaning emitting from the creatures raise goosebumps along my arms.

Another roar sounds from my right just as Keith's hands grip my upper arms, pulling me back into his chest.

There he is. He wasn't even looking as he destroyed the creatures around him. His red eyes focusing solely on mine. For the first time in what felt like a life time, a true smile creeps upon my face, my heart beating just that little bit faster, and my wolf awakening completely.

A golden glow cast over the seen, as if the sun has broken through the dramatic day brightening the world with it glow as my wolf comes forth.

With every step Caine gains towards the bubble, I seem to move further away. It isn't until I stumble do I realize Keith is pulling me around to the other side of the cottage.

"Are you listening Yasmin? You need to move. Hurry you will have to help me." Keith's fingers now wrapped around mine as he pulls me from Caine view and into threw cottage's door.

"Keith please. I have to go to him. Caine is my mate." I could feel my wolf wanting to break out and rip apart this man for taking us from our other half again, but a small part of me also wants to protect him.

"That's what I'm doing Yas. I have to get the amulet. It is the only way to get through the tree people." Keith's grip releases as he pulls me into the kitchen. He opens the cupboard door resting in the corner. Reaching to the back, knocking food out of the way, Keith retrieves a pouch, now nestled in the palm of his hand.

"About a year ago, just after Olivia was killed, I found myself deep in these woods. I didn't know where I was at the time and I think that's the only true thing that kept me alive. It was almost dark when I heard the cries of a creature. I was curious, and had nothing left to lose, so I went looking for the sound." Keith once more grabs my hand pulling me from the cottage and back outside where the fighting is growing more intense and bodies from both sides start to fall to the earth.

"That was the first time I met a Dryad. She was only a small thing, and had managed to find herself half sunk in a bad mud bog. Though they are creatures of nature, they too are vulnerable when young. I freed the little creature and in return was rewarded with this amulet. It protects the barer from the creatures who lurk in this forest."

Now in the middle of the field, Keith stops and faces me. "This is the only way I know how to say sorry." Handing me the amulet, Keith's fingers once more brush the hair from my cheeks. His touch lingering slightly before dropping to my shoulders. "Keep it with you until you are far from these lands." With a soft kiss to my cheek, Keith pulls off the bracelet he always wore.

Dropping it to the ground, he steps on the small stone embedded in the leather. The muted fighting sounds that could barely be heard over the raging wind, roared to life as the bubble that held me captive popped and the war being fought spilled in towards us.

"Thank you, Keith," I whispered leaning in and giving him one last hug.

My arms had barely found him when he was thrown off me, and an enraged Caine crouched in front of me. "You shall die for touching what's mine." Caines deep voices rolled threw my body setting me on fire. The force of which the mate bond hit me had me dropping to my knees, my wolf fighting for control.

But I couldn't let her take over, she was more instinct. Hunt, kill, mate. Those were her only needs. If I turned best just as Caine, it was no telling what the outcome would be. I closed my hand over the amulet, its sharp edge cutting into my skin, and bringing me back to my senses.

The tree people were down in numbers and those of who remain lingered on the outer edges of the field, almost unable to pass over from the deep forest surrounding the clearing. Wolf and vampire alike still on guard watch as a fight to the death battled close to me.

Caine and Keith ripped at each other, blood and flesh torn from them both. I was frozen, torn with myself. Caine my true mate, was here. I longed to hold him, to tell him I love him but did Keith deserve to die for trying to reclaim a dead mate.

Warm liquid ran along my for arm as I stood, gripping the amulet tight to my chest. I only realized my mistake a second before it happened. Caines eyes snapped to my arm, the call of my blood distracting him as Keith lunged for him.

"KEITH, NO!" My voice shifting into a growl at the end as my body snapped, shifting in a blink of an eye into my wolf. My hind legs propelling my forward pass Caine as my front claws connected with a now shifted Keith.

My teeth sunk deep into his side, fur, blood and muscle coming free from his side. Our heavy bodies landing hard on the damp ground. A near constant growl escaping my chest while I hold Keith down with my paws.

Keith's wolf disappeared until a naked blooded mess lay before me. With a weak smile Keith reached up to stroke my fur. "Your wolf is beautiful. I wish I was able to spend more time with you both. She looks just like Livy's beast."

I shift back quickly as Keith began to cough. Blood coming up with each wet hacking sound. Cradling his head in my lap, I run my fingers through his hair. "I wish I got to meet your Olivia. She sounds amazing. But you two will be together again and you will feel silly for all of this drama." I state waving my hand around at the field not daring to look in Caines direction. Was he disappointed in me for caring for the person that abducted me? Did he now despise me for not taking pleasure in killing Keith?

The wind had died down and the area was too quiet. It was as if the world was holding its breath, just waiting for this moment to end.

"Friends, Yasmin? I can't die with you hating me." He asks closing his eyes.

"All you had to do was ask." I lean forward brushing my lips to his forehead.

A small gust of wind races past me jolting Keith's body out of my arms. Back on my feet I spin, crashing into the warm chest for Caine. My eyes take him in. His dark eyes, slitted towards me, his plump lips pulled tight in disappointment, his wide brow crinkled in confusion, and a rumble in his chest from his anger.

"He does not deserve your sympathy." Caine hisses at me pulling my arm up from my side and turning my palm upwards. "Here," he grunts dropping a warm wet object in my hand. "But it's only fair he gives you his heart."

My eyes drop in horror to my hand, blood dripped from the meaty mess as I look behind Caine to where Keith's body lay. A hole right where his heart should have been.

Howls and cheers filled the air. The battle was won. The prize restored.

I couldn't move, my eyes locked onto Caine's. He made no move to hold me, no move to comfort me, instead he turns from me directing his men to reform.

This wasn't how it was supposed to be. I didn't just go through all that to be ignored by the man who was supposed to love me like I love him.

I drop the heart and make my way in front of Caine as he commands the wolves and vampires. Drawing back my arms, I shove him as hard as I can making him stumble backwards.

"What!" I demand as I shove him again. "Disappointed to find me?" Pulling my fist back I punch him and his eyes flash red. "Disgusted at how inept your mate was to protect herself?" I shove him a little harder drawing a grunt from him. "I'm sorry to have to be mated to a wolf, to someone who was unable to free herself, to someone who couldn't protect herself. But if you think I will put up with you ignoring me I won't. I have my wolf back now and she won't back down to no one, not even you." My screams echo in the still air. My chest heaving with my harsh breathing.

Still nothing, Caine didn't so much as flinch as my hand came up, slapping him across the face.

"Here," I reach forward shoving the amulet in his hand. "This is what Keith used to get through the forest unharmed. Use it or not, I no longer care." Not wanting to see his hate of me anymore, I turn, shifting mid-step as I run for the edge of the field. Caine's voice called for me as I disappeared into the thickening forest, heading for a home I no longer had.

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