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Yasmin my beautiful alma Gemela crawled up between my legs. Her teasing lips caressing my bare limbs along her path. A groan leaves my lips as her hot breath fans now hardening appendage. My eyes lock on her green orbs, a cunning smirk pulling her lips. Her warm wet tongue drags from the base of my cock, flicking the end with the tip of her tongue.

My balls tightened as her lips wrapped around the tip, fingers gently squeezing the base of my length. My head drops back, eyes still closed as she takes me deeper into her mouth, her tongue warm and wet curving around the shaft.

My hand reaches forward trying to grip her chocolate locks only to feel short hair.

My head lifts as I look down.

The piercing blue eyes of my enemy stare at me, a smirk on his face. A shifter worthy growl, rumbles in my chest as I remain frozen in place. My dick gripped firmly in his fist, Keith laughs.

"This is all you will ever have; Yasmin will always be mine."

I jolt awake from the camp bed I was on. My chest heaving and a red haze effecting my vision.

"Are you alright child?" My mothers voice questions as she withdraws her teeth from a feeder. I watch as the now unconscious male slumps to the fall.

"We need to move. I need her back." I hiss through tight lips rising from my cot adjusting my now deflating erection.

"The scout team has yet to return. Best you feed first, then we will decide what to do next." She spoke resting her hand on my shoulder before I could leave the tent. "And maybe you need to take care of yourself first." She laughs, nodding her head at my still semi-erect package.

Shaking her hand off, I turn to face her. "You want me to lay about wanking, feeding and having fun while my mate is in the hands of that filthy mutt? Who knows what he has done to her, what he's doing to her." My hands fist my hair, pulling out the strands at the thought. "Mum, I can't feel her. I haven't been able to feel her in days. What if... if she's..."

Strong arms wrapped around me, and I allowed this moment of weakness. It had been centuries since mother has held me like this, like I was still her little boy. Her hands rub up and down my back, soothing me slightly.

"Yasmin is a strong shifter. And I really don't think its Keith's plan to harm her. We need to wait until the scouts get back before we move on the forest. Have faith in the bond you have."

I freeze. The bond we share. As alma Gemela, we share a certain bond. We can feel it, well normally, and other Otherworlder's can feel it, so why didn't Keith? Surely, he feels there is no bond connecting him with Yasmin.

"I need to speak with the beta, NOW!"

I pace as Mother sends a minion to bring the former beta to Keith to me.

I can feel my temper rising, the bones in my hands ache from being held so tight.

"Moon goddess, the Beta is here." A voice calls from outside the tent.

I roll my eyes at the title given my mother and face the incoming visitor.

"Beta John Michael, why do you think Keith believes Yasmin is his mate?" I all but hiss at the man standing in front of me. I clasp my hands behind my back eyeing him carefully. So far, he has proven trustworthy. He has helped with the tracking of Keith, and has willingly given up any information to do with the bastard that I have requested.

But I still don't trust him.

I watch now as his eyes dart between me and Mother, his brain overworking. "Ah..." John manages to croak out before stopping.

Taking a threatening step forward, I keep his focus on me. "The truth." I demand.

"Keith had a mate once before. His true mate." John started.

"THEN WHY HAS HE TAKING MINE!" Red rage filled my veins. This mutt didn't deserve a mate let along have his filthy paws on mine. I had started to pace again, hands at my side, nails elongated.

"Son, if you wish to hear the information, then sit down and shut up. Don't interrupt until we know the truth behind this."

Whoa, it's been a while since I heard her mum voice.

Glaring at her, I sat myself down on the edge of my cot, nodding once to John.

"Her name was Olivia. She was given as a treaty gift to our pack from the Bristol Pack almost 18 years ago." John froze like he was waiting for my explosion.

What was wrong with that Alpha?

John, realizing I wasn't going to say anything continued.

"She lived with the pervious Beta and his wife. They couldn't have pups, so it worked out well. Keith and Olivia were true mates. They adored each other and were happy. Last year she was killed along with her parents and Keith didn't take it very well. As the Beta to Alpha Eaton, it was my duty to keep watch of him to make sure he didn't lose it. His behaviour changed from sad and hopeless, to secretive and hopeful only two months after losing his mate. He started to push his father to buy him a new mate. But he only wanted the daughter of Alpha Bristol. I wasn't sure why until I meet Yasmin."

He drew in a deep breath, testing my patience. "Yasmin is the exact replica of Olivia. All except the eyes. Olivia had brown eyes where Yasmin's is green."

"How is that possible?" I question, a little stunned by the information.

"When I saw Yasmin a few months ago at her mating auction, I started digging into Alpha Bristol's back ground on the orders of my Alpha, Eaton. Both Yasmin and Olivia were born on the same day at the same pack-controlled hospital. Yasmin born at 10.13am and Olivia born at 10.14am."

"Twins?" My mother whispered but we both heard her words.

"Yes," John confirmed. "Bristol, not only had to son, but he also had two girls. I discovered he was going to sell both children, but as the pack knew the Alpha's wife was pregnant, he kept the first born selling off the second." Disgust clouded Johns face.

Was Bristol so vile he could sell of his new born baby? I already knew the answer. Bristol had proven his evil self, time and again. I had to refocus to catch what John was still saying.

"As twins, they have a sort of connection, their own sort of bond some would say. This is why I believe Keith can feel some sort of mate bond with Yasmin. I also believe that if she spends long periods with Keith, then she to will start to feel the bond her twin once had with him."

With a roar, I tore from the tent, unsure of what to do but knowing damn well that I would be sitting still anymore.

Yasmin is mine!

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