The Doctor's Office...My little surprise(s?)

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Still got power but:

there is a tree on a telephone wire

all people living near water (my cousins) were evacuated because the water was so high

Trees are knocking out power almost everywhere

wind is so powerful my house is shaking

a city in my state( I shall not say where) had a tornado

it is raining sideways

aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so scary


"Kaleigh?" a nurse called.

I gathered my purse and grabbed Liams hand. We walked over to her."Hi right this way" she said leading us into a pink and blue room. The nurse brought a machiene over to the bed and told Liam to sit in the chair next to the bed. "And Kaleigh honey you need to put this on and lay down in the bed for me. Please take your underwear off but leave your bra on. By the way I'm nurse Kristen if you need anything." Kristen gave me a green hospital gown and walked out of the room,closing the door.

I began to strip my clothes off and Liam gave me a look asking if I wanted him to turn around. I shrugged and continued to get changed as Liam turned around in his chair. When I was done,I laid down in the soft bed.

"Are you as nervous as I am?" Liam asked, turning around.

"No,more excited."

"I am too I just want to make sure the baby is healthy. Do you want a boy or girl?"

"Ummm...I kind of want a girl but id be happy with a boy too" I told him.

"Same here. What names do you like?"

"I like the name Kendall,Madison,Alecia and Bailey for a girl."

"Kendall is so pretty! And Bailey too. Not a big fan of Madison."

"Hmmm... So the question is Kendall or Bailey?We still have awhile before we decide but what boy names do you like?"I asked with a curious look on my face.

"I like.... Justin."

"Perfect!" I squealed.

Kristen came back in and asked a few questions.

"Is this Liam the father?" "Yes"

"How long ago did you have sex?" "About a week"

"When did you take the pregnancy test?" "Last night"

"Have you been to the doctors yet?" "No"

"Have your breasts grown since you had sex?" "Yes my normal 34C became a 36C"

"Okay well I am going to take an ultrasound,and see how the baby is doing and how many. By your next appointment we will be able to see if it is a boy or girl.From what you are telling me,the baby or babies should be doing well but lets see.."

Oh,I never thought about twins...That would be great but a lot to handle.

Kristen put cold blue jelly on my stomach and smoothed it down with the ultrasound wand.

"Well congratulations! Looks like you are having twins!"

My eyes widened and so did Liam's. His eyes started to become blurry with small tears. Aww!

"That's awesome!!!" I squealed with delight and clapped my hands. "I'm so happy!" Liam said as the tears disappeared.He wanted to look like the man.But I looked at the ultrasound machiene and saw why he stopped.

"Well what's that?... Oops! I see another!!!" Kristen said excidedly. "TRIPLETS?!?" I practically screamed.

"Yes. and another congrats to mommy and daddy of three!" The nurse Kristen said.

Liam was so happy he couldn't even cry.He got up and kissed me for a long time. I am having triplets!!!! I cant even think straight! "I cant wait to find out what gender they are!!" I said. I haven't stopped smiling this whole time.

"Alright momma we can find out in 3 weeks what sex they are."Kristen said still looking at the monitor. "But this little one here is smaller than the rest..."

I stopped smiling. "Is he or she okay?" I asked and looked at Liam terrified of the answer.

"Well I'm sorry but I cant tell yet. Hopefully he or she will have a little growth spurt and catch up with the other two. There is a 95% possibility that the baby will be okay. But until you have the babies,you are restricted to a few things. No alcohol at ALL, you need to take a vitamin every day to keep the baby growing and you have to make sure you eat three meals a day. Of course,nothing too fatty,and I reccomend not eating at fast food restaraunts until you give birth. Any questions?"

"So she will come back in three weeks to see if the baby is okay,right?" Liam asked getting up from the chair.

"Yes. I wouldn't worry. As long as you take those vitamins you should be good."

"Great thanks Kristen" I said to her. She wiped the jelly off my stomach and handed me my clothes.

"You're welcome. See you soon!"

I got up from the bed and changed. When I was done Liam hugged me very tightly and I kissed his cheek.

"Wow. Three kids" He said.

"And a wife" I winked.

"Four things I love very much. I promise I will be a great dad and husband. Ready momma?" Liam asked me.Everyone called me momma now. I did not mind one bit. I cant wait!

"I know you will. And yes I am ready" I replied as we left the room.

This has been a big week,and I still hadn't seen Tori yet.... I love my life.



Be Alright-Justin Bieber

Small Bump-Ed Sheeran

Make you feel my love-Adele

Thanks for reading I love all my fans:) Only people that don't judge me.


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