Chapter 17: Guild

Start from the beginning

Ignoring the boisterous elf, Alidorim turned back to the young man. "Whatever you're paying these men collectively. I'll do by myself for half." Both the druid and mage sputtered indignantly while the fighter swore under his breath. For his part, the patron looked as if he was considering the offer, especially once he got a good look at Alidorim's equipment.

"That your kid?" The ranger asked. Alidorim stiffened, turning he saw Yulia was finished eating. She was sitting quietly while being mesmerized by the other adventurers. She gave her father a wave. Alidorim suppressed a growl and returned the wave with a nod. "You have a sitter or are you planning on taking her along," said the very shrewd human. "Wilds are no place for children, Dragonborn." He couldn't beat Alidorim's offer so he decided to play dirty. He looked neither smug nor snide. The man was simply making sure his crew got the job.

The Patron looked from Yulia back to the Dragonborn. "Do you intend on taking the child?" When Alidorim didn't answer right away the young man sighed in disappointment "I see, then I'm afraid I cannot hire you." Fists clenched Olkith attempted to negotiate but the patron forestalled him. "Your Guild Level aside," he said flatly and without remorse, "I can't trust you to protect me if you're too busy looking after the girl."

With that, the Patron and his newly hired escort departed. Alidorim was left in a state of frustration and anger. Growling he slammed a fist on the counter.

"Father?" Yulia stood at his elbow looking up at him with concern, "You okay?" While others stared at him with weariness, the Tiefling only showed him affection and kindness.

"I don't deserve you," he thought with a sigh. Nodding his head, he motioned for the door. "We'll need to find a place to stay." Still looking worried, Yulia nodded and followed him out of the Guild Hall. She didn't say anything, but Alidorim could sense she was still concerned with his wellbeing. Taking her hand, they made their way back out into the city.

With limited funds and a lack of stable income, there were very few places they could afford to stay. None of them respectable. If it wasn't for the entry toll Alidorim would've considered sleeping outside the city. Aside from the financial strain, he couldn't force Yulia to sleep outdoors. Her fever resurfaced whenever the nights turned especially chilly. Putting a roof over her head and a proper bed beneath her was as much a priority as finding work.

They paused in their search for an Inn to enter a shop that bought and sold a variety of items. The bald man behind the counter eagerly bought some of his ointments. Though friendly enough it was obvious he didn't care for non-humans. At least he was honest.

The owner of the Cooked Goose Inn & Tavern wasn't too enthusiastic either to find a Dragonborn and Tiefling at his counter. His attitude improved after Alidorim showed him his Guild tag and a gold coin. That earned them a bedroom with an adjoining office. Once they'd stowed their belongings and Yulia settled down they ate supper. Another teaspoon of her sleeping draft and the child was soon snoring away.

Alidorim didn't want to leave her alone but after so many miles and the rough day he needed a drink. Down in the Tavern he mulled over his situation over a tall pint. Selling homemade ointments wouldn't sustain them for long. He couldn't gain rank without taking high paying jobs. He couldn't take high paying jobs if it meant leaving Yulia alone. But he couldn't take care of Yulia without coin.

"I'm chasing my tail!" he thought savagely, slamming the empty mug down. "Another," he barked.

"Drinking like that, you either want to kiss a girl or kill someone," said a portly man further down the bar. "So, which is it?" he asked paying for the next round. He was dressed in gaudy merchant attire, and though he nursed a mug, the man looked annoyingly sober.

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