Chapter 18: Deal

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"This is Yulia," Alidorim stated, gently placing a hand on her shoulder in a protective gesture. "You're going to help me take care of her."

The slave-Lesmythe-was the picture of shock; mouth agape while blue eyes blinked rapidly. Whatever the half-elf had been expecting, tending to a five-year-old Tiefling certainly wasn't it.

Rubbing her eyes and yawning, Yulia asked, "Who this, father?" Having just been roused from a deep sleep the girl was a bit slow on the uptake.

"Father!?" Lesmythe blurted out. When Alidorim looked up at her the woman visibly flinched and stared back down. "A-apologies m-master." After suppressing a cough, Lesmythe curtseyed saying, "H-hello young miss."

"Young miss?" Yulia repeated looking annoyed, "I not 'young miss.' I Yulia!" Fear flashed across Lesmythe's face. Unsure how to respond, her mouth opened and closed several times. She reminded Olkith of a doe he'd startled on the road; shock paralyzing its flight or fight response.

"Her name is Yulia," Alidorim growled squeezing the girl's shoulder slightly. Lesmythe gulped and nodded again. Other than apologizing and agreeing to whatever her master said, the woman seemed to have no way of communicating. The product of many years serving demanding owners, no doubt. Alidorim didn't care so long as she did what she was told. As far as he could tell the slave crest would only activate if she disobeyed his orders meaning...

"Your fate is tied to hers," he said, "You'll tend to her whenever I am away." Even though it wasn't much, Alidorim paid for her. He expected a return on that investment.

"Y-yes, master," she mumbled, not meeting his gaze. Lesmythe glanced up only when Yulia approached. The girl looked her up and down with obvious curiosity. Alidorim wondered if she'd ever been that close to a half-elf before. Unsure what to do Lesmythe remained still to be appraised by the young girl.

A few moments later Yulia turned back toward Alidorim, pointed and said, "What those?" Though void of chains, the manacles still clung to the half-elf's neck and wrists. Alidorim had forgotten they were there. Their presence seems superfluous compared to the binding magic of the slave crest.

Before he could explain, Yulia turned back to the slave. "They...hurt?" Her tiny voice was laced with genuine concern. The woman didn't have to respond. Even from across the room Alidorim could see the deep red scabs and split dry skin.

As the Dragonborn walked up to her Lesmythe took an involuntary step back. He wordlessly took her left hand and, with a bit of work pried the manacle open enough to slip it off. He did the same for the right. The one around her neck took more effort, nearly snapping in the process. The entire time the half-elf never met his eye and flinched every time his scales brushed against flesh. His jaw clenched; even a slave found him disturbing.

After presenting her an ointment, he tossed the useless manacles aside. At that moment a stomach rumbled. It was such a small pitiful sound that the Dragonborn looked at Yulia, but the little girl shook her head. They both stared at Lesmythe. The slave clutched the vial of ointment, her face a deep shade of red.

"You hungry?" he asked. Swallowing she shook her head. "Don't lie to me," he growled, "You can't get stronger on an empty stomach." With that, he turned and headed out of the room. Yulia began to follow but then paused. Turning she grabbed Lesmythe by the hand and pulled her along. The half-elf's surprise was almost as palpable as Alidorim's. Other than him Yulia had barely let anyone touch her, even the children at the river crossing.

Shrugging off the thought he continued downstairs. As the trio entered the tavern, he ignored the disapproving looks from the employees and patrons alike. After seating themselves as far away from the crowd as possible, Alidorim gestured for the waiter. When the human appeared to think he had better things to do the Dragonborn called out, "Can we get something to eat?" The waiter flinched and figured he couldn't pretend they didn't exist any longer. "The cheapest meal for me and two specials for them," Alidorim said dropping twelve coppers into the man's hand.

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