Chapter twenty-seven

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I was sweating, in pain, and tired, but it was worth it. I had two babies now resting in each arm. I insisted on holding them first, and before I fell asleep. One little boy, and one little girl. One with blue eyes the other with amber.

I cooed at them, but my eyelids were drooping persistently. I was so sleepy. I gave each of the children a kiss on the bridge of their nose, like my mother used to do to me.

"A little girl with bright blue eyes and a handsome boy with amber. Wonderful!" Cooed Mary from beside me. I couldn't help but agree with her, my tired smile never leaving my lips.

"What should we name them?" I asked, looking up to my mate. Gabriel smiled. The little girl had my blonde hair, but the boy's was Gabriel's dark brown. Both had Gabriel's nose and lips.

"Hmm," he hummed, kneeling beside the bed and wrapping one arm around me. He was gentle, even when he kissed my cheek. I stared at him for a long moment.

"Artemis and Apollo?" I suggested. They were as beautiful as gods, so why not name my adorable children after some. Gabriel smiled.

"Sounds good," he replied. I turned back to my tiny ones, wrapping into their silky blankets. My little baby burritos.

"Okay," I said softly, looking at those standing around me with excitement. "Who wants to hold them?" I asked. Gabriel's hands were open, gently scooping Apollo into his arms.

The little baby cooed at his father, amber eyes bright. His voice was barely audible since he was born only moment ago, but you could still hear his tiny gurgle. Autumn landed on my shoulder, peering down at Artemis.

"She is the powerful one," she said softly into my ear. My smile brightened. Of course my little girl would take after her mother. I almost snickered at the thought. My control with fire was still shakey, but my well of energy was beyond compare.

Except for Gabriel, who came in a close second.

"May I hold her?" Jacob asled softly, his voice measured and calculating. I looked upwards, giving him a serious expression.

"If you hurt her, I will murder you," I said, my voice surprisingly calm despite the promise of death. With careful movements I lifted the babe into his arms, sighing softly as the weight left. I leaned back into my pillow, my eyelids heavier now.

"It's alright, Yuki, you can sleep," my mate told me, a smile on his face as he rocked the fascinated Apollo in his arms. I nodded, letting my eyelids flutter closed.

I guess I had been tired, for I fell asleep almost immediately.

Gabriel Pov:

I couldn't stop smiling, my cheeks beginning to hurt a little. Apollo was so cute, snuggled in my arms. For once I was completely entranced by someone other than my mate.

My child.

I bit my bottom lip, holding back my tears of relief and happiness. Who knew I could be such a cry baby. I didn't.

"Let me hold her!" Kane complained to Jacob, who was hogging Artemis to himself, his back towards mother nature. I sighed softly, hoping I wouldn't have to step in, but if they woke up my wife or hurt my children, they were going to get it.

"Hush," Mary muttered, hands one her hips as she stood beside me on the opposite side of the bed from the arguing pair. "I want to hold her!" She added in a whisper. Jacob laughed softly. To annoy Kane, he calmly passed the baby to Mary.

"Gabriel, can I hold Pollo?" Kane asked, giving me her version of puppy dog eyes. I huffed, unwilling to let go of my son. Of course, I wouldn't let my daughter go if she were in my arms either.

Why was it so easy to get attached?

"Fine." I huffed again, padding over to her and delicately placing Apollo into her arms.

"Thank you!" She smiled. I shook my head, taking only a few steps back, in case either of my children needed me.

"Gabriel," Autumn began, carefully landing on my shoulder, her expression oddly serious.

"Hmm?" I hummed, pursing my lips slightly. Was this going to be bad news?

"Artemis is the stronger one in the power area, but Apollo is physically stronger. I would suggest training them at a young age, so their skills don't get out of hand," she explained. I nodded in agreement.

"Of course-"

"I mean in discipline too. If they do not listen to their parents, they will listen to no one. I saw the way you stare at your children like you would do anything in the world for them." She smirked. "Just make sure you don't go easy on them. They will become trouble makers!" She said in a happier town. I narrowed my eyes.

"Don't influence my children with your schemes or mischief..." I muttered, fixing a glare on her. She chuckled, coughing a little at the end.

"Of course not!" She said with a smile. The smile wasn't very honest, either. Then, she flew off, snuggling next to my mate with a smile, hiding in her breast pocket.

"Gabriel, she fell asleep," Mary whispered softly. My lips turned upward again, taking the child into my arms. I gently placed her in the little crib made of dark wood and a feather mattress protected by leather and covered in a silky sheet.

Only the best for my babies. Apollo was also returned to me, much in the same sleepy state. I gently set him beside his sister. They were adorable.

My sudden yawn surprised me. Maybe I needed some sleep too.

"I am taking a nap, see you all later? Jacob, tell me when Damion gets back." I added. My messenger nodded, waving his goodbye along with Kane and Mary before they all left the room. The door shut with a click.

I sighed softly in relief, opening the closet, glad when comfortable clothes blanketed my body. I turned to the bed, climbing in beside Yuki and gently wrapping my arms around her.

Even in her sleep, she snuggled against me.

Fury The Color Of Red and Blue(Book 1 Of The Fae Series, Completed ✔)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat