chapter four

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Yuki Pov:

I followed the messenger, my feet stomping into the marble floor. I was in a Fae castle, held captive. The man stopped, staring down at me. I was up to his chest, but i refused to look weak despite the fear settling in my stomach.

"This is your room miss..."he stared at me, expecting my name. Ha, like i would give it to him. I shook my head, pushing open the door.

"No need to know my name. Call me heta." I waved a hand at him, gazing into the room. It was huge, the ceiling tall with marble pillars. A marble staircase lead to a bed, a large bookshelf on the side of the room.

He walked in, leading me to a side door, pulling it open to a bathroom. He stepped inside, pointing to the faucet thing.

"Wave you hand in front of it once and the sink will turn on."he waved his hand, water running into the marble bowl. Sink, an interesting name. He pointed to the thing next to the sink. "Do you business in there then click the top to flush. It is a toilet." He clicked the bottom, the water swirling away.

Cool. I blinked, there was also a tub. He clicked the left side, steaming water pouring into the marble. Then he clicked the right side cool, or what i assumed was cool, water splashed into the warm. He then touched a button on the tub floor, all the water sinking into a new hole in the tub. When all the water was gone, the whole closed flawlessly.

"Amazing," i whispered. He nodded, stepping out of the bathroom and giving me a small smile.

"Please get dressed in nice clothes for dinner in 30 minutes," he dipped his head, scurrying out of the room. I blinked, watching as the door slammed shut, silence fill my new living quarters.

"Where is the closet?" I mumbled to myself, eyes searching the walls for a door of some sorts. When i spotted a chocolate colored one i walked closer, inspecting the golden handle. "This must be it."

I pulled the door open, gasping as fog suddenly pooled out, surrounding me. For a split second i was naked before soft fabric layered onto my body. The door closed, a mirror now hanging on it.

A long maroon dress now hugged my body. The collar dipped down just before my breasts, long soft sleeves slipping down my tanned arms. It hugged my slim waist until flaring out at my hips and swaying to the floor in a puddle of gold. It was ombre, red to gold.

My hair was done too, a long braided crown on my head, waving down my back in golden brown curls. My face had a light blush over my freckles, light red staining my plump lips. I smiled.

The dress was beautiful and fit me perfectly. I twirled, i could not help it. The dress flew up around me making me giggle a little. I stopped suddenly. I am being watched.

Gabriel pov:

I stared into the mirror that showed the woman Damion brought in. He was leaning over my shoulder, watching her inspect the room.

"She will know we are watching her soon," damion stated matter of fact, his voice echoing into my ear. I rolled my eyes, how would she be able to tell, we were looking through a mirror.

She opened the closet door, her eyes wide as fog covered her. For a moment, she was naked, my eyes closing for a moment until she was dressed. She was in a red and gold dress that was beautiful. Her hair and eyes matched it well.

"Wow," Damion whispered beside me. I snickered, watching her twirl in place, a large smile on her face. Suddenly she held still, her muscles stiff, her eyes narrowed. "Told you, she knows someone is watching her."

"You sure?" I asked. He nodded. She looked over her shoulder, frowning as she surveyed the empty room. He snickered beside me.

"You bastards, are you using magic to watch me?" She shouted to the air. I blinked, watching her nostrils flare as she sniffed the air. "I can smell it, the magic."she mumbled, though it was more to herself. "I think."

I turned off the mirror with a snap of my fingers. A sigh escaped my lips as i turned to Damion.

"Shall we get ready for dinner as well?" I asked. He nodded.

"We do need to make a good impression."

Fury The Color Of Red and Blue(Book 1 Of The Fae Series, Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now