She began to hear those voices getting louder and louder.

"Is she stable?"

"We cannot waste time."

"Primus, this is bad..."

She could remember being held down by Megatron- being trapped in that nightmare before Soundwave came and rescued her.

"H-he saved me."

"Indeed, he did. And now you must save him."

"B-but why me? Why did I dream about him before I even knew him? Shared his memories? He could see my memories too. I don't understand..."

The warmth spread, but the pain was beginning to come back.

"I have assigned you to be his sparkmate. You share your past and memories. It had to be done." Primus said softly. "Now, sparkling. We do not have much time together. It is time for you to go."

"What? What do you-" Lynlee gasped for breath, trying to stop a scream. The pain was unbearable.

"Go now, sparkling."

"I think it's working!"

"Thank you, Primus."

"I think she's waking up."

Lynlee felt pain spreading all over her body. That warmth was gone, along with the light and Primus- whoever that was. His voice had been so calming. So assuring. Tears filled the girl's eyes as she slowly opened them and was immediately blinded by the lights surrounding her.

Large beings stood around her, making her flinch backward. A hand gently held her shoulder, and a kind voice spoke, "It looks like you're awake."

"W-where am I?" Lynlee found herself staring at a woman wearing scrubs standing over her. The woman smiled.

"I'm June Darby. You gave us a little scare."

"Honestly, the fragility of you humans are incomprehensible." A voice scoffed. Lynlee turned her head to find a tall orange and white robot standing beside her.

"She had internal bleeding Ratchet."

"Something a little energon couldn't fix if she were a Cybertronian." Ratchet scoffed again.

"You are overwhelming her." A new voice spoke. Lynlee turned her head gently. A large red and blue robot, towering all the others, stood with a kind look on his face. "Hello, sparkling. I am Optimus Prime."

"Optimus Prime?" her small voice squeaked.

Optimus stared at the small femme. Tears began to leak from her optics. June Darby leaned down. "What's the matter, sweetie? Are you in any pain? We gave you some medication but It might be wearing off soon-"

"Him." Lynlee interrupted.

"Him?" June questioned. The girl wanted to point at Optimus Prime but couldn't find the energy to lift her arms. Optimus could feel the sparklings optics on him, though, and stepped closer.

"Do you know me, sparkling?" He asked. Of course, it was uncertain what she learned from being on the Nemesis for so long. Decepticons could have brainwashed her or taken advantage of her mind. It seemed unlikely, but it had also been unlikely that Megatron would keep her alive in the first place, and it was unknown what they did to her and why.

Lynlee felt tears dripping down her face and a sob slipped out. Her ribs cried out in pain but she didn't care. She finally lifted her arm towards him, this Optimus Prime, and he suddenly fizzled in front of her.

The moment he stepped next to her small bed she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around him.

Optimus jerked in surprise, while June and Ratchet began to inform Lynlee to lay back down, but the girl just couldn't. Images were filling her head again, making her tremble at the very thought of Megatron. She hadn't actually been there, but Optimus had been. He tried his best to help Soundwave's parents.

"Thank you." Lynlee's voice trembled out. Her sobs continued, and while Optimus was slightly uncomfortable, he felt himself wrapping his holoforms arms around the trembling sparkling.

"Thank you," Lynlee repeated again. Her trembling body latched onto him and refused to let go. Optimus glanced at the other Autobots before looking back down at the sparkling once again. She didn't flinch when she felt his hand touch the top of her head.

"You're welcome, sparkling." he said softly, though not knowing the full extent of her thanks just yet, "You're welcome.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Thoughts and feelings?

I felt so relieved when writing this. I'm happy to get another chapter done for you guys! I hope you liked it.

Honestly, I haven't read many books with Primus in it, so I'm not used to writing him as a character. I hope I portrayed him well. And I hope you liked this chapter! Feel free to comment on mistakes or let me know what you think!

Until the next chapter! (I'll try to get the next one out soon)

Never AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon