Tommy x fem baby

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This request is made by: Alysa_Moon. I hope you enjoy this one.

It was little after the monster was destroyed by the Mighty Morphin Rangers. A young boy around 15 or 16 years old wearing white jogging clothes was jogging to the park. His name is Tommy Oliver and he is the Mighty Morphin White Ranger. He was enjoying the peace time after fighting the monster. Tommy stops when he sees the putties were carrying a white baby carriage.

"Don't tell me they stole something," Tommy mumbled to himself.

Tommy heard the crying from the white baby carriage. Tommy makes himself appears in front of the putties. The putties sees Tommy and tried to escaped with a white baby carriage. 

"Oh no you don't," Tommy said as he attacks the putties to stop them from escaping with a baby. 

The putties have no chance against Tommy when Tommy pushes "Z" on their bodies cause them to destroyed. A baby was crying from inside since it was scared. Tommy walked to a white baby carriage and see a crying baby girl.

"Shh," Tommy murmured as he picked a crying baby girl to comforts her.

A baby girl, Y/N, slowly stop crying as Tommy holding her. Tommy see her stop crying before looked around to see if anyone lost their child. He didn't see anyone searching so he decided to take the baby girl to the police to see if they can help him to find her family. 

"Let's get you to find your parents," Tommy said softly to baby girl. 

Tommy put the baby girl into a white baby carriage and walked to the police station. A baby girl was cooing at Tommy as Tommy walks while keeping his attention on a baby girl. 

"You are really cute, little one," Tommy said.

A baby girl giggled. Tommy got to the police station and walked in. One of the officers see Tommy walking in with a white baby carriage. The officer walked to them.

"Hello do you need any help?" the officer asked.

"Yes. I was wondering if you can help me to find this baby's parents," Tommy asked.

The officer looked into a white baby carriage and nods. Tommy smiled. 

"I'll can see what I can do. At the mean time, would you mind to take care of little one for now?" the officer asked.

"Sure. I'm sure my parents won't mind helping me to take care of her," Tommy said.

The officer nods seeing that he would be the responsible to the baby girl. Tommy thanks the officer and leave the police station. He got to his house and took a baby girl to his room. A baby girl fell asleep sometimes in between end of the conversation and arriving to Tommy's house.

"Guess you stay here with me for couple days until we can find your parents little one," Tommy murmured, "I can't forever called you little one."

A baby girl is sleeping. Tommy smiled and decided to go to bed early. The next morning, a baby girl was watching Tommy. Tommy woke up and see the little one awake and watching him. Tommy smiled softly.

"Good morning little one," Tommy said, "You will need a name. Let see... Kaya?"

A baby girl shakes her head.

"Yea. I agree. How about Amanda?" Tommy asked.

A baby girl raspberries at Tommy saying no.

"Nah. Oh I got one. Y/N?" Tommy asked.

A baby girl known as Y/N cooed and nods.

"That's good to know you like that name better," Tommy said.

Y/N coos at Tommy. Tommy picks her up and check to see if she need to change. He smell the stink and decided to change her diaper which it did came with a white baby carriage. Y/N giggled at Tommy's face.

"You like seeing me with that problem little one?" Tommy asked.

Y/N nods as she coos. Tommy picks her up and carries her to the kitchen to greet with rest of the Oliver family. Tommy's mother saw them and asked Tommy about Y/N which Tommy told his mother what happened. His mother understands and willing to help Tommy with Y/N.

After few months of taking care of Y/N, the officer from the police station told Tommy that Y/N's parents were no where to be found and told that Y/N have to go to the foster care. Tommy asked the officer if he is willing to adopted her as he is attached to Y/N. The officer agreed and let Tommy to adopted Y/N.

Years after that day, Y/N became beautiful young girl. Tommy loves his adopted daughter. Y/N love to be around Tommy more than anyone. Tommy is very happy person. Tommy took care of Y/N and baby her more than what he should have. 

"I love you Y/N," Tommy said.

"I love you too, Daddy," Y/N said.

They snuggled on the couch as Y/N has her stuffed animal in her arm. They both fell asleep together.

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