Carter x Blind Reader(OC)

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This is requested by LIGHTSPEEDGOLD

It is a normal day in Marnier Bay, Krystal (You), the little sister of Chad, walking down the street holding her cane and having a service dog. Her service dog is golden retriever that worked for the disabilities like Krystal (You). What she does not know that there is a battle that has been out for almost an hour. Carter has been fighting against Trifire and Memorase for almost an hour. While he is fighting against the Demons, Krystal (You) and her golden retriever walked into the crossfire of the battle.

"AAHH!!!" Krystal (You) screamed in pain as she got burnt by Trifire and losing her memories by Memorase.

"NO!!" Carter yelled seeing his teammate/friend's little sister also his lover gets hurt.

"Hahahah! Too bad Red Ranger," Memorase and Trifire evil laughed, "You will never get her back to normal again."

Both Memorase and Trifire vanished from the battle leaving the Red Lightspeed Rescue Ranger behind. Krystal (You) fell unconscious from getting burnt and losing memories when Carter ran to her to pick her up in bridal style. Carter carried her while holding her service dog while hurrying to the AquaBase.

"Dana gets the Med Bay ready for Krystal (You) ASAP," Carter called Dana on his morpher.

"On it Carter," Dana replied back to Carter letting him know she is getting ready.

"Krystal (You) hold on," Carter whispered as he held her while hurried back.

As they got to the AquaBase, Carter quickly walked into the Med Bay after letting the leash go that he was holding in his hand of Krystal's (You's) service dog. He put her on the bed as soon Dana saw her injuries. Dana put the burn cream on her arms and legs to heal up. Also, Dana checked her memories after hearing a story from Carter to see that Krystal (You) has amnesia that means she doesn't remember who they are or that she's a Gold Lightspeed Rescue Ranger.

"I am sorry Carter. There is nothing I can do for Krystal's (You's) memories," Dana told Carter after trying to use many theories to help Krystal's (You's) memories back but doesn't work, "It may be permanent amnesia since everything I tried to think that would help her. Nothing that I tried to used it work for her."

Carter quickly walked out of the Med Bay to calm down. He wished he could destroy Trifire and Memorase for harming his baby kitten. Carter couldn't do that so he decided to help Krystal (You). So he devises a little plan to get her memories back in case if others are fails.

"Hello, who are you," Krystal (You) asked as she woke up as she heard talking around her.

Carter looked down knowing that she doesn't remember him. Dana checked her to make sure she is fine before let Carter take care of Krystal (You). Carter got a little plan to get Krystal's (You's) memories back. Carter takes Krystal (You) down a little trip to a memory lane.

"Where are we going?" Krystal (You) asked when she felt herself leading to somewhere by Carter.

"Don't worry. I am leading you to the room to help you," Carter told her.

"Okay?" Krystal (You) confused.

"I wonder if you remember this one," Carter teased Krystal (You) by poking her sides.

"Hahahah. Hey stop it, Carter," Krystal (You) laughed as her memories started to coming back to her.

Krystal (You) wiggling and giggling softly draw Carter's attention knowing he got something right. Carter smiled and continued leading her to his lair aka his room. Carter became Carter the Tickle Monster that Krystal (You) using called him when he is in good mood.

"Where are you leading me to?" Krystal (You) asked knowing that Carter is taking her to his lair.

"You will find out baby kitty," Carter smirked.

"Oh no. I am scared," Krystal (You) said to pretend to be scare.

"Don't be scared, kitty," Carter calmed her down in a playful way as he opened his door to his room.

"Okay," Krystal (You) said playfully.

Carter leads her to his bed and lay Krystal (You) down to spread eagle using fluffy handcuffs. Krystal (You) giggled as she felt the fluffy handcuffs on her wrists and ankles after Carter took her shoes off. He left her tank top and shorts while taking her socks off. Carter started to tickles his new "victim" cause Krystal (You) laughed.

"Oh I think I've found a little button," Carter muttered as he repeated, "Wonder if it does anything?"

Carter has done many things like poking, nibble, lick, suck, and kiss on Krystal's (You's) body like her feet and belly. She kept laughing louder and louder as her memories returning to her. Carter tickles her faster and faster than before knowing his kitty loves to get tickles by him. Carter stops tickles her after half an hour of tickle torture.

"Hey, baby kitty. Do you remember everything?" Carter asked her.

"Yes, Carter," Krystal (You) nodded "Thank you for helping me out and I need that tickle torture to helped me out."

"Welcome, kitty," Carter smiled and kiss her cheek as she kissed back on Carter's cheek.

The ship name is KC (KrystalxCarter). I hope you enjoy reading this one. Please comment and request. Thanks!

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