Human dinozords

586 11 17

This is a request by:DragonBH

In the rumble of the destroyed buildings, there is something that is beneath all the destroyed buildings that would shock the Rangers. The Dino Thunder Rangers are gathering at Tommy's house to talk about their futures.

"So, since all of us are no longer Power Rangers, what should we do now?" Connor asked.

"You all can get back to your lives, but it will never be the same," Tommy said.

"Well, Dr. O is right," Kira said.

Trent, Connor, and Ethan nodded agreed with Kira. Before any of the conversations continued, the doorbell rings. Tommy went to the door and open to see a group of people standing there.

"May I help you?" Tommy asked.

One of them with black clothes decided to speak for everyone in the group.

"We know you can help us, Black Dino Ranger," the man in the black clothes said.

"How did you know who am I?" Tommy asked as he is cautious.

"Because you are my partner and I carried everyone in me," the man in the black clothes said.

"Brachio?" Tommy asked as he could only think of one Zord that he used to own.

"Yes," the man in the black clothes known as Brachio nodded.

"Then that's mean others are..." Tommy said after noticed the color of the shirt on each mystery people with the Dino symbol.

"Yes. Somehow, we all became like you," the man in black clothes known as Brachio said.

"So, none of you knew how that happens?" Tommy asked.

"Correct," the girl with a yellow shirt said.

"You all come in," Tommy said letting the former zords in.

The zords-into-humans walked into the house. The Dino Rangers looked at the group of strangers that they don't know it is their zords that got destroyed in the battle. Tommy closes the door so they can talk inside.

"Guys, they are our zords that turn into humans," Tommy said.

"Our zords, but they were destroyed in the battle," Ethan said.

"That's what I thought, but they don't know what happened," Tommy said.

"Tommy is right. None of us knew how we became human," Brachio said.

"The last thing we remember was fighting against Zeltrax's zord and the next thing we knew. We became human like you all," the boy in the red shirt said.

The Dino Rangers were in shocked as they knew what the strangers were talking about. Tommy saw his students were in shocked.

"Yes, they are the same ones that we were partnered with. Also, I was in shock the same way as you guys," Tommy said.

"Ptera?" Kira asked.

"Hey, Kira," the girl in yellow shirt known as Ptera said.

"So that means others are Tyranno, Tricera, Brachio, and Drago?" Connor asked.

"Yes," the former zords said.

After trying to find out how to turn them back to their old forms but sadly it doesn't work that way. So, the Dino Rangers helped the zords-into-human to get used to being humans and helped each other. Tommy was smiling at his students who are helping the former zords to get used as human and possible help them to live in Reefside where Tommy can check on them every once in a while.

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