Philip x Megaforce White Ranger oc

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This is request by: TalistoLadynoir.

A young lady is driving to Amber Beach since she had her job thereafter did the interview on the phone. Her name is Nicole L/N but her friends called her Nicky and she has the secret that no one knows. She is the White Megaforce Ranger who fought along with other Megaforce Rangers and the Legendary Rangers. Nicky was actually taking a break from being a Power Ranger and hoping to settle down on her new job. Nicky sees the sign.

"So that is Amber Beach," Nicky said to herself.

Nicky drove to the museum but need to stop for the direction as she got lost and forgot to ask for the address when she got the job. A young man was looking at the park as his bodyguards are near him. Nicky saw them and stop the car to get out. She walked to them but a little nervous to see if they could help her. 

"-get going," one of the bodyguards told the young man said.

"Alright," a young man said.

A young man turns around and bumped into Nicky. Nicky almost fell to her button when he saves her from falling down.

"I'm sorry as I didn't see you behind me," a young man said.

"No it's my fault I should let you know I was behind you," Nicky said.

"Are you new to here?" a young man asked.

"Yes. I'm Nicky L/N," Nicky said.

"Nice to meet you, Nicky. I am Prince Philip," a young man known as Philip said.

"Your highness, I am lost here. I am looking for the museum," Nicky said.

"I can show you there," Philip said.

"Really? Thank you, Philip," Nicky said.

Your welcome," Philip said.

Philip turns and told his bodyguards to meet him at the museum. His bodyguards' nods and leaves. Nicky watch as Philip looked at her.

"Where is your car?" Philip asked.

"Oh over there," Nicky said as she pointed over to the parking lot.

Philip nodded and followed as Nicky walked to her car. Philip followed Nicky and sees her car.

"That is a nice car," Philip said.

"Thank you," Nicky said.

Nicky unlocks the car and gets in. Philip got to the passenger side and get in. Nicky starts the car. Philip gave the direction to Nicky on how to get to the museum from the park. Nicky drove to the museum and park there. 

"This place?" Nicky asked.

"Yes," Philip replied.

"Thank you, your highness. You have been helpful," Nicky said.

"Your welcome, Nicky," Philip said, "Before you go, would you um like to go out with me?" 

Nicky looked shocked. Prince Philip asked Nicky to go out. Philip looked a little nervous.

"Y-yes I would love to go out with you," Nicky said.

Philip and Nicky get out of the car.

"I'll send you a message to where we can meet up," Philip said.

"Ok," Nicky said.

Philip leaves as Nicky was thinking about Philip before going inside to start her job. A few days later, Philip sent the message to Nicky asking her to meet him in the park. The same park that she met him a few days back. Nicky went to the park and got there. Nicky parks her car and gets out to looked around to find Philip. Philip is a little nervous about getting to know about Nicky. Nicky sees Philip sitting on the bench and walked to him.

"Hello Philip," Nicky said.

"Hi, Nicky. How are you today?" Philip asked.

"I am doing good. Ms. Morgan shows me how to handle the museum," Nicky said.

"That's good right?" Philip asked.

"Yeah," Nicky said.

Soon after the talk about the job, they were getting to know each other. During their hangout, the monster attacks the park cause both Philip and Nicky to gets up but neither of them knew that each other are the Power Ranger. Nicky looked at Philip.

"I'm sorry but I must leave," Nicky said.

"Same," Philip said.

They ran in different opposite and soon in the clear of no one watching them. Each of them took their respected morpher out.

"It's Morphin Time!" Philip and Nicky said.

Philip transforms into Dino Charge Graphite Ranger and Nicky transforms into Megaforce White Ranger. They both ran from their hiding spot and got to the monster shooting at it. Philip was shocked to see another Power Ranger that he never saw it before. Nicky smirked as she continued to attack the monster before the monster got destroyed. 

"That's a Mega win," Nicky said.

"Who are you," Philip asked.

Nicky turns around to see Dino Charge Graphite Ranger and smirked.

"Megaforce White Ranger," Nicky said.

"Megaforce White Ranger?" Philip asked.

"Yes, Dino Charge Ranger," Nicky said.

"W-what?! How did you know?!" Philip asked.

"You think you are the only Power Ranger, your highness," Nicky said.

Philip looked surprised.

"Nicky?" Philip asked.

Nicky demorphed and nods.

"Yes," Nicky said.

Philip demorphed, too. Nicky smiled softly.

"How are you a Ranger?" Philip asked.

"It's a long story," Nicky said.

"You can tell me," Philip said.

Nicky nodded. Philip and Nicky open more about Power Rangers and soon they both fell in love with each other. 

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