Casey x reader

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This is a request by: lukeybabe68

Y/N walked into Ocean Bluff. She just moved from Angel Grove to start a new life. What she doesn't know that there is the monster attack in Ocean Bluff when she walked in.

"This place is really nice. Nothing compared to my old home," Y/N said softly as she walked.

The moment she spoke about Ocean Bluff, the Rinshi attacked the city and the people. Y/N screamed as she saw the attack and runs to hide. The Rinshi found her hiding and drags her out of there.

Soon the Jungle Fury Rangers got there and see Y/N. The Rinshi are holding Y/N from escaping their hands.

"Let the girl go," the Red Jungle Fury Ranger said. 

One of the Rinshi was about to kill Y/N when the Red Jungle Fury Ranger attacks the Rinshi to stop from killing Y/N. That is when he saves Y/N and started to fall in love with her. Red Jungle Fury Ranger felt his tiger roaring telling him that Y/N is the mate of the tiger. 

"Thank you," Y/N said.

"Your welcome. Now go hide and get away from here before you get hurt," the Red Jungle Fury Ranger told her.

Y/N nodded and ran away from the battle. She ends up at the Jungle Karma Pizza where she is safe. Y/N took a break from the running and she can feel the sweats on her forehead.

"Man all the running make me tired and hungry," Y/N murmured. 

What Y/N doesn't know that the battle is over and the Jungle Fury Rangers manage to get back to the Jungle Karma Pizza. The Jungle Fury Rangers known as Casey Rhodes, Theo Martin, and Lily Chilman, went to work in the Jungle Karma Pizza since it is owned by RJ who is thier master. Casey is a little worried about Y/N who is new to the town. RJ noticed and pulled him aside.

"Casey, what got you worried?" RJ asked.

"I am worried about a girl that I save earlier," Casey replied.

"I see. Do not worry. She might be safe," RJ said.

Casey nodded and went back to work on the pizza. Y/N walked in and went to the table. Lily walked to her and take the order before going back to the kitchen. Lily handed the order to Casey and told him that Y/N is here. Casey smiled in relief and worked on the pizza. Soon, he took the pizza to Y/N.

"Thank you," Y/N said.

"Your welcome," Casey said, "May I ask? Are you new here?"

"Yes I am," Y/N said.

"My name is Casey," Casey introduced.

"Y/N," Y/N said.

"Nice to meet you," Casey said.

Y/N nodded and stay in the Jungle Karma Pizza until it is closing time. Casey walked to her and sit down. Y/N looked at Casey as she felt something in her wanted to be near Casey. That is when Casey told Y/N that he has a crush on her and later learn his secret as a Power Ranger Jungle Fury. Soon after that, they went out on the date while fighting against the Rinshi.

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