Troy Burrows x reader

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This request by: mrcs2578

Y/N was pushing her glasses on her face when she heard the screaming from the people. She ran toward the attack to see the monster attacking the people. She knew that Gosei is contacting other Rangers to help Y/N. As soon the people were out of sight, the monster sees her.

"Ranger," the monster snarled.

Y/N glared at the monster as she pulls her morpher. She was about to morph into Purple Megaforce Ranger when the monster knocked her off the ground. Y/N groaned when she hits her back on the ground. The monster smirked and picked her up. Other Megaforce Rangers ran up to the battle and see that the monster held Y/N.

"Y/N!" Troy yelled.

"Troy! Guys!" Y/N yelled before getting silence by the monster.

"Rangers, if you want Purple Ranger back then I want Red Ranger," the monster said.

"Troy please don't do it," Jake said.

"I can't let Y/N to be held and possibly hurt," Troy said.

Y/N looked at Troy. Troy gave her the look that he has the plan but it will be risky. Y/N nods quickly as she knew that she can trust Troy. Troy walks forward after the other Rangers couldn't do anything.

"Let her go," Troy said.

The monster smirked as it lets Y/N go but without warning. The monster blast at Y/N on her back. Y/N screamed in pain as Troy runs toward Y/N.

"Y/N!" Megaforce Rangers yelled.

"Y/N!" Troy said as he caught her and glared at the monster, "You tricked us!"

"You Earthlings are so easy to fool," the monster said.

The Megaforce Rangers were mad at the monster for hurting their teammate. Troy took Y/N back to the base to get her fix-up. While Megaforce Rangers are fighting against the monster, Troy entered the base and put Y/N on the cot. Troy grabs the first aid kit and took bandage out to wraps around Y/N's back to make sure it would not bleed. 

"T...t...troy..." Y/N said weakly.

"Save your strength, Y/N," Troy said softly as he finished tying the bandage into the bow. 

Y/N put her hand on his cheek. Troy looked at Y/N and give a small smile. Y/N slowly kiss on Troy's lips. Troy was surprised when she did that.

"" Y/N said weakly.

"I love you too, Y/N," Troy said softly.

Y/N smiled softly before lay on the cot to fall asleep. Troy looked at Y/N and smiled at her.

"I'll promise that I will beat that monster for hurting you, Y/N," Troy said before he left the base to help other Megaforce Rangers.

After the monster was destroyed, Troy came back to check on Y/N. Y/N is sleeping on the cot healing up. Troy smiled and grabs the chair to sit next to her. Troy watches Y/N for at least an hour before Y/N slowly waking up.

"Troy?" Y/N asked softly.

"Hey Y/N," Troy said.

"Did you beat that monster?" Y/N asked.

"Yes. It will never hurt you again," Troy said.

"Thank you, Troy," Y/N said softly as she is slowly sitting up.

Troy helped Y/N to sit upon the cot. Y/N smiled at Troy and lay her head on his shoulder. Troy blushed softly how Y/N is doing to him right now. It was very silent in the base that no one disturbed both Troy and Y/N for the rest of the day.

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