Day 26: Camp

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Autumn was in full swing, and the Crown-of-Thorns Forest had been kissed with the season's bounty. Between the steadfast evergreens, a sea of gold and orange foliage had washed over the forest. Berry bushes were heavy with fruit, and the sweet smell of honey wafted throughout the area. Although there was still a chill in the air, tonight was perfect for basking in its beauty.

With a contented smile on her face, Hiroko tended to the pot of curry bubbling away over their campfire while Maya looked on beside her. She peeled a few more potatoes with her pocket knife and happily sliced them over the pot.

"You like you're right at home here!" Maya beamed. "I haven't seen you this relaxed in a while~!"

Hiroko giggled a little as she added in a few sliced apples to the pot. "I am! I've always preferred being in nature, you know? Reminds me of being a kid again."

"Oh, that's right!" The pink Octoling clapped her hands together as she remembered. "You grew up in the countryside, right?"

"Yup, with my grandparents!" Hiroko grinned. She wiped off her pocket knife and fished out a loaf of bread from her backpack. She began cutting a few slices for her and Maya's plates as she continued. "They had this huge estate, and they owned so much of the land around it! It had some meadows and stuff, but it was mostly woods. They were my playground, now that I think about it!"

"Your playground?" Maya asked. Without her girlfriend noticing, she snuck a slice of the hearty bread from Hiro's plate and started snacking on it.

"Yeah!" The green Inkling exclaimed. "I mean, I had toys and stuff back home, but I just preferred to run around outside. I climbed trees, I would roll down hills, do some fishing- it was so much fun!" She had a dreamy look on her face as she recalled all of her favorite memories.

"It sounds fun~!" Maya cooed. "No wonder why you were so dead set on going camping this year!"

"Yup!" Hiro agreed. She grabbed a ladle from her bag and started dishing some of the finished curry for the two of them. She handed Maya her plate before grabbing her own. "As much as I love Inkopolis, the woods is just where I belong, you know?"

"Definitely~!" Maya beamed. "I'm glad I got to experience it! You know, being out in nature. With you. "

Hiroko gave her a warm smile and gently took her hand. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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