"My neighbor."

"The one you despise? From that horrible dinner?."

I chuckle softly and shake my head. "No. Well, she was there but the girl you are talking about is Megan. She is a bit umm... special." That is one way of describing her. It would be quite rude to say that Megan is a moron, wouldn't it? "Sophia is actually quite nice. She is also getting married and she asked for my help with her dress."

'Alright' he mumbles softly as he is already distracted by a new incoming email.

"So? Can I go?."

"When are you and Shawn planning on to get married anyway?." He asks, totally ignoring my question.

"I don't know. We haven't really talked about it yet. Why?." I ask as I stand up, reaching for my jean jacket.

"Well, if you know, I can empty your schedules for that period and, I have to find a date."

A date? That sparks my interest. "Why not asking Helena to be your date?." I say as I sit down again. Wedding dresses can wait for a bit longer. I have finally the opportunity to talk with Scott about his dating life. I am not going to pass on this opportunity. I would forever regret it, simply because Scott always cuts the conversation short when I ask about it.

"Helena?." He looks at me as in I have grown 3 heads. "She is not interested in me."

I snort loudly. "You are kidding me, right? Have you ever paid attention to the way she looks at you?." Scott and woman... maybe I can give him a course 'how to approach women'. His birthday is coming up. Would be beneficial.

Something, not quite sure what the emotion is but it looks like hope, flashing through his eyes. For a brief moment before he shakes his head. "Don't be ridiculous, Rose. She is way too young and pretty for me."

I roll my eyes. "Dude, you make it sound like you are an old man and she isn't even that young anymore. It only differ, what? 5 years."

"6. She is 29." He says a bit too quickly. So, he has been thinking about it as well. "Okay, the age might not be a problem but she is definitely out of my league."

"What if I try to find out if she likes you and if she does, I will set up a date for you."

"Absolutely not. She will know it comes from me or think that I have put you up to this."

"I am sleek. You know that. You both will be there on Monday for the Vogue shoot. What if you stay over for dinner afterwards. I will ask her then."

I can see the internal battle in his eyes.

"Come on. I know you like her. Maybe the both of you are just too shy to admit it."

"Do you promise to make it not too obvious or make it awkward for me?." He sighs in defeat.

"I promise." I give him a close mouthed smile but on the inside I am freaking out. I love playing cupid.

"Alright. Now, go. Before I change my mind."

"You wouldn't regret it." I say as I jump up out of my chair and walk to the door.

"I doubt that." He mutters before I close the door.

New mission; Make Scott and Helena fall in love with each other.

"Rose, are you going to look for your own wedding dress?."

"Are you knocked up again? Is that why Shawn asked you to marry him?."

I try to shield my eyes from the flashes of the cameras as I get out of my parked car. Have I lately express my hate for the paparazzi? I don't think so but I hate them with a passion. Just leave me the fuck alone. Go bother someone who actually wants to be front page news. I already had my fair share of publicity lately.

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