Chapter 34

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Pervious Chapter

Shinn he blinked his eyes for couple times "Akira-san?" He call him. Akira look at Shinn and he just nodded "trust me.... I'll be fine" he says. He sighed and he lower his head, Toby look at his cousin and he smiles "leave your girlfriend to me...." he says, Shinn look at him and he just smiles "Toby.... Thank you, I owe you one" he says, then he look at Natsuki and Yasiro "let's go guys... We have some Yokai's to be purified" he says. And they all nodded.


Third POV

Location: Unknown

The Shadowhunters was walking down the street. Tea look around as she slightly look quite nervous, Arthur who walk beside her gently patted her shoulder "Tea? What's wrong?" He ask. Tea look at Arthur and she just sighs as she shook her head "is nothing, just I had been thinking lately...." she says, Arthur look around as he still saw the Holland sibling, Molly and Oliver. Then he look back at Tea as he smiles "well, I'm all ears" he say.

Tea sighs as she slightly rubbed her head "well, I had been thinking that Mia was hiding something towards us" she says, then she glance at Arthur "also I still think why, she forbid us to interact with Shinn and his friends?" She says. Arthur smiles as he keep patting her shoulder "well, you know that Haven and Oliver are one hell of trouble maker?" He says. Tea look at Arthur curiously and she nods "yes, I know that.... Why?" She says.

Arthur just smiles and he look at the skies "well, I think Mia don't want us to catch to much commotion.... Also I bet she don't want to get scolded by Mr, Lightwood" he say. Tea think about it and she just nods as she smiles "well, I think you right.... Thanks for helping me Arthur" she says, Arthur just smiles as he ruffled her head as he wrapped his had around her shoulder "don't worry... That's what partner for,right?" He says.

Tea just smiles a she giggles "yeah, you right" she says. Then, she saw a building and she stopped walking as she look at her teammates "okay, this is the place.... Let's split up..." she says, Arthur look at her and he glance at Haven who already took his sword. He smiles and he took his sword "well, you heard her.... Split up!" Says Arthur. Then, the all split up, Tea look at the building and she sighs as she started looking around the street.

Meanwhile, inside the dormitory

Toby, walk to Akane's room and he glance at the window. He then stood in front of a room and he slightly knocked the door "hey, Akane.... Is me... Toby" he say. Akane who just sitting on her bed, she glance at the door "come in...." she says, Toby slowly opened the door and he went inside her room "did... I disturb you?" He say. Akane shook her head as she glance at the window "not really...." she says, Toby went to her bed and he sat down on a chair next to her bed "If you wondering g why I'm here.... I promise to Shinn to take care of you" he say.

Akane look at him and she just nods "I see...." then she look back at the window. Toby just observed her as he just smiles "looks like you still same when I met you for the first time" he say. Akane glance at him and she just rolled her eyes, Toby look around the room and he saw a little box under her desk, he stood up and he slowly walk towards her desk. Akane look at him and she slightly raises her eyebrow.

To Be Continue

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