Chapter 14

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Previous Chapter

"And maybe with that, we can finally ended this cold war between us" says Mia, the boy nodded then he look at the picture which it was Shinn's picture, then he smirks 'I'm glad, you okay.... Little brother' thought him, then he left the room. Mia glanced at him, then she sighs "still same as before..." says her then she chuckles a little bit.


Third POV

Location: Dormitory, Japan

Akira now, sitting on a chair as he watching over Akane who still unconscious. He slowly went to her as he pat her head. Then he sighs, he glance and he saw a picture on Akane's desk. The picture look so old and most of the part are torn out.

Akira went to her desk, then he took the picture as he say Akane with a guy, but the face of the guy are blurred. He look the picture even closer suddenly "what are you doing here?" Says a familiar voice, Akira jolted then he turn his head as he saw Akane looking at him with a soulless eye.

Akira smiles shyly as he put the picture back on her desk "well, I'm watching over you.... You know, I'm worried that you might be possessed" says Akira as he went back to his chair. Then he sat down and look at her "how's your feel?" Ask him, Akane look at the ceiling then she raise her hand, then she look at her hand.

"Same as always..." says her, suddenly she coughing. Akira widened his eyes, then he look around as he saw a glass of water, he quickly took the glass and gave it to her "here, drink up...." says him, she slowly drink the water then she panting and she lay down again and she sighs, her hand went to her chest and she grunted. Akira patted her head and he smiles sadly.

"Rest up... I guess they still try to get out..." says Akira, Akane glance at him for awhile. She slowly look at her desk "why you looking at my photo?" Says her with fainted voice, Akira glance at the picture on her desk then he look back at Akane "uhh, I'm just curious with that" says him. He look back at the picture and he took a deep breath "is that your parents in that photo?" Ask him without looking at her.

Akane, just looking up on the ceiling then she shrugs "I don't know.... I can't remember..." says her. Akira widened his eyes, then he slowly ruffled her hair "don't worry, you soon remember them" says him. Then he stood up and look at Akane "take a rest, and thanks for the work today" says him as he went to the door.

He opened the door and he look back at Akane for awhile, then he left and close the door.

Meanwhile on the living room

Shinn just sitting on the couch as he playing with his fingers, he glance on all his dormmate then he sighs "I'm sorry" says Shinn. Raine tilted her head as she look at her junior "sorry? For what?" Ask her.

Shinn look at his senior, then he sighed "for telling them who we are" says him, then he slightly lowered his head. Hana smiles then she patted his shoulders "is not your fault.... Shinn-kun" says her in kind and sweet tone, Shinn look at Hana then he smiles. Akira walked down the stairs then he saw his dormmate are still there sitting.

He sighed then he shook his head "hey, Akane is awake" says Akira rising his voice so they can hear him clearly. Shinn widened his eyes, then he quickly look at Akira "really!? Are you sure!?" Says Shinn. Akira smiles then he nodded, then he pointed at something behind him "just go and see.... But remember, she still need some rest" says him.

Shinn, smiles then he stood up as he look back at his other dormmates. "I'll go check on her, making sure nothing happened to her" says him. Hana smiles, then she nodded. Shinn went upstairs as he walk passes Akira. Akira just look at Shinn, then he giggles "what a love bird they are" says him chuckled.

To Be Continue

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