Chapter 21

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Pervious Chapter

Third POV

The young shadowhunters look at the symbol as they just tilted their head in confusion. "What is this mean?" Ask Cecile. Molly look at Arthur as she elbowed him "hey..... Do you know what is this mean?" She ask. Arthur look at the symbol for awhile then he just shook his head "it looks familiar, but.... I can't pointed where it is" he says.


Third POV

Haven look at Arthur and he just sighed as she shook his head "are you sure you know the meaning of it? Or did you just pretending in front of Tea?" He says winks. Arthur look at him and glare as he punch his arm "shut it Haven..." he says. Haven pouts and he just rubbed his arm. Tea took the paper that she got from Mia, she look at the paper and she look back at the symbol.

"It called geisha" says a voice came out of nowhere. The shadowhunters took all their weapon as the look around "who's there!?" Says Molly. Cecile look around as she saw a shadow of a figure "look! Over there!" She says pointing where she saw the figure. Molly quickly aim her arrow at the direction of where Cecile point at. The figure slowly step out from it's hiding spot.

Tea look at the figure that came out from it's place. Then she widened her eyes as she covered her mouth "Shinn...." she says. Shinn step out as he look at Tea. He slightly smiles and he bowing his head a little "didn't expect to see you all again here" he says. Tea look at him who bowing his head at her and her teammates "uhh, yeah, I guess is only a mare coincidence" she says. Then, she look at the symbol on the statue.

"So, the meaning of this symbol is geisha?" She says. Shinn just nodded his head "what is it mean?" She asked again, Arthur smiles brightly "ahh!! I know!!!" He says. Tea slowly look at Arthur as she slowly tilted her head. "What is Arthur?" She says, Arthur look at the statue and the symbol "geisha is a person who had a role to serve those who are noble or those who had a high status back on the old days" he says.

Tea look back at the statue "so, the spirit that we saw yesterday is a servant?" She says. Shinn shook his head "they aren't treat like a true servant. They were treated so royalty like a princess" he says. Tea look at Shinn then she tilted her head "but say that they served those who had high status?" She says.

He nodded, then he look at the Statue again "yes, but they aren't treated like a slaves" he says, then he look back at Tea and her teammates. "As you guys can see yesterday that yokai wearing a kimono those are the symbol of the noble" he says. Then Tea look back at the statue. "But, how can the symbol says geisha?" She asked, Shinn just shrugged as he crossed his arm.

"Geisha means hostess trained to entertain men with conversation, dance, and song" says him explained. Tea tilted her head as she raised an eyebrow. "So they were trained?" She says, Shinn look at Tea and he nodded "like I say they served those who had really high reputation than us" he says. Tea nodded, then she look back at the statue.

"So, why she turned into a fox creature thing?" She says. Shinn look at the statue. Then, he slightly touch the statue as he closed his eyes. "Probably, because she were represented as the fox who guards this tample before" he says as he opened his eyes as he glanced at Tea.

To Be Continued

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