Chapter 15

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Pervious Chapter

Shinn, smiles then he stood up as he look back at his other dormmates. "I'll go check on her, making sure nothing happened to her" says him. Hana smiles, then she nodded. Shinn went upstairs as he walk passes Akira. Akira just look at Shinn, then he giggles "what a love bird they are" says him chuckled.


Third POV

Location: Inside a Dormitory

Akane, just looking at the ceiling as she still gurnt in pain. She glance at her desk, as she look at the picture that Akira just took a look at "I-I can't remember..... Why...." says her in low voice. Then she suddenly coughed again, she cover her her mouth with her hand as she stil coughing.

Shinn knocked on the door, then he slowly opened the door as he took a peek "uhh.... Akane-san?" Says him. Then he widened his eyes as he saw Akane coughing so hard. Shinn quicky went inside as he look around Akane's room panicking, he saw a glass of water. Then he quickly took and went to Akane.

"Akane-san, here.... Take this.... You'll need it" says him worried, Akane look at Shinn. Then she slowly took the glass and she drank the water, she panted and Shinn slowly lay her back down. He sat on the edge of her bed, then he lower his head "I'm sorry...." says him in low voice. Akane look at Shinn as she still tried to breathe normally.

"Why.... Are.... You.... Saying sorry... To... Me" says Akane, Shinn glance at Akane then he sighed deeply. "Because I had to put you in another danger" says him. Akane slowly sat down and she look at Shinn as she pat his back. "Is my destiny I should face it" says her. Shinn slowly shook his head as he still lowered his head.

"No, is not.... I-I mean even if it's your destiny.... I should have known...." he slowly took a deep breath and he continued "besides, we don't know how long you can keep them" says him, then he slowly look at Akane with a teary eyes. "What is you had to leave even before the time limit?" Says him. Akane just look at Shinn with blank look, she slowly wipe the tears from his eyes.

She slightly smiles as she rest her head on his shoulder "even if I die...." she glance at Shinn first then she continued "I still will be watching over you guys.... Along with my parents.... Also the ancestor shall go on" says her then she look at her desk as she look at the picture on the desk. "Besides, I don't had any point to live..... Is better for me to disappear along with the-" suddenly her words been cut by Shinn as he hugged her.

Akane widened her eyes, then she slowly wrapped her hand around him and hugged him back, Shinn hugged he tightly as tears fall from his eyes "no! Don't say that!.... Even though you lose your memories.... It doesn't mean you don't had any point of living!" Says him. Akane just patted his back as she closed her eyes, then she smiles. 'You do are weird... Shinn' thought her.

Then Akane slowly went to his ears and she whispered "don't worry.... I'm not saying my good bye yet..." says her. Shinn slowly look at Akane as he eyes still had some tears falling, Akane slowly wiped his tears as she smiles. "I mean if I go.... I know my spirit can't go to the other side because you still can't let go of me" says her giggles.

Shinn smiles as he let go of the hugged then he patted her head "get some rest.... You need it, and good work today.... Akane...." says him as he help Akane and lay her down to her bed, he gently pull up her blanket and cover her body. "Oyasumi.... Akane...." says him stood up from her bed, Akane look at Shinn then smiles "good night... Shinn" says her. Shinn widened his eyes then he giggles as he opened the door and left.

To Be Continued

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